How to Prevent Tobacco Smoke from Affecting Your Visual Health?

Posted on the 13 June 2017 by Opticalh @OpticalH

Protecting from cigarette smoke is one of the priority elements to maintain a perfect visual health . For this reason, specialists insist in the necessity of avoid this kind of exposition to reduce visual discomfort, result of usual contact of the smoke with the eyes.

Cigarette smoke is formed by multiple components, many of them are toxic. When those toxins are in the air, many of them can irritate the conjunctive (film that covers the white part of the eye). These substances have the capacity of irritating nerve endings, provoking dryness, itch or even burning sensation. Even non-smokers can suffer this pathology after some minutes of exposition to cigarette smoke.

Prescription glasses and contact lenses for your eyes

Having prescription glasses or contact lenses to maintain your visual health in optimal conditions and smoke-free have benefits like:

1-Maintain the eye humidity with natural lubrication of the eye.

2-Protect the eyes of the evaporation of the water layer of the eye.

3-Guarantee blinking with the correct functioning of the natural lubricant of the eye.

Nowadays, health and beauty go hand-by-hand, and regarding prescription glasses, we can find very innovative models as Silhouette, if you are urbanite, or the elegant Liu Jo, with acetate frames with high quality and cat-eye shape.

Also, if you are contact lenses user, is your first time or want to change your look, you can choose between the best brands as Acuvue or Soflens, among others. You can find them for daily use, with different colours or cosmetic, for sportspeople, etc.

Maintain your healthy vision in our online optical shop, getting advice from our optometrists that will resolve all your doubts.