How to Preserve Bay Leaves the Easy Way!

By Sophies Foodie

I have a lovely bay leaf plant in our allotment garden & wanted to preserve about 30 bay leaves to use in the Autumn & wintertime in my kitchen.

How to do that? I like this easy way.

What do you need?

about 27-30 fresh bay leafs with no spots or bruises on them

double kitchen paper


1.Take your bay leaves, wash & dry them well. Place them spaced apart on your double layered kitchen paper & let them dry on room temperature until completely dried out on both sides. This took me about 6-7 days in our kitchen at room temperature of 20-22°C. They will look something like this:

2. Now, they are dried up & smell amazing! What a treat to use! They are no resemblance of the store-bought sort! Yum! Store them in an airtight container with fitted lid, like this:

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Tagged: Gardening