How to Prepare Your Home for Autumn

Posted on the 07 September 2023 by Bboj Handyman

We might be experiencing a late heatwave at the moment, but the temperature will soon start to tumble and the wet weather will return. From clearing your gutters to checking your boiler, now is the perfect time to get your property ready for the colder and wetter months to come.

Here are five important ways to prepare your house for autumn.

1. Get your boiler checked and serviced

Gas and combi boilers should be serviced once a year by a qualified GAS SAFE engineer to make sure that it is running efficiently and safely. Before the cold weather hits (and engineers get overly busy), now is a great time to book in and get your boiler serviced, so that you know you won’t run into any issues when the cold weather hits in the weeks and months to come.

2. Clear your gutters

Blocked gutters can cause a variety of problems, from ceiling leaks and damp walls to rotting wooden fascias, it is best to keep a constant eye on your gutters to make sure the water can flow away off your roof effectively. If your gutters have started to get clogged already, you can be sure that the falling leaves of autumn will leave them completely clogged up – so best to act early and get them cleared today. Moreover, the regular clearance of your gutters will quickly highlight whether any of the guttering is starting to leak or come unsecured from the wall – both of which you should fix immediately, and can save you significant sums in the long term.

3. Check the windows and doors

As windows and doors age, especially those made from wood, if they are not looked after properly they are prone to warping, which may make they stiff to open and close, or leave gaps around the glass panes that will mean draughts of cold air as the temperature drops.

To maintain your wooden windows and doors, you should inspect them every year, and September is a great month to do this to make sure there are no issues before you head into the colder months. If you spot any cracks or draughts then you want to make repairs immediately, so that water does not get in and start to affect the integrity of the window or door, and then add a fresh coat of paint.

Beyond the inspection, it is also good practice to repaint your wooden windows or doors every few years anyway as a preventative measure. However, depending on how exposed the timber is to the weather, you may find some windows and doors will need repainting every couple of years whilst others will be fine without any maintenance for a decade. The important thing is to regularly check them to avoid any bigger issues down the line.

4. Review your locks and home security

Nobody wants to think about the possibility of their home being broken into, but crime is a reality in a city like London, and so it is important to make sure you have a home security system and it is running well. A review and check-up once a year, where you test any sensors, alarms, notifications and the locks on your windows and doors will mean you can sleep soundly knowing you have done all you can to protect your property.

5. Test your carbon monoxide detectors, smoke detectors, and fire alarms

You should test your carbon monoxide detectors, smoke detectors, and fire alarms regularly to make sure they are working properly and have not run out of battery. As you prepare for autumn and begin to use your boiler more constantly or switch on your gas fire, it is important to know that these detectors will keep you safe is anything does go wrong.

If you do not have a ladder tall enough to get to these alarms, or are simply not good with heights, then call a local London handyman to come and check the alarms for you. Multi-trader handymen will be able to do this for you at the same time as fulfilling a variety of these other tasks, so you will not need to pay multiple call-out fees.

Time for a house MOT?

If you are unsure what to check for throughout your home, or if you just want a professional to come in and make sure everything is running effectively and efficiently, then BBOJ’s house MOT service rolls a variety of services and checks into a single home visit. It simple, easy, and can save you a lot of time and money in the long run.

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