How To Patch Your Carpet?

Posted on the 22 March 2016 by Amelia White
Have you ever noticed a stain or a burn in your carpet that just cannot be cleaned no matter how much you try? If your answer is “Yes” then it is always better to opt for an alternative solution to cleaning. Simply patch your carpet. This can be done by applying some basic skills and using a few simple tools. But you must be thoroughly aware of what you must do before undertaking such a task.
There are some fundamental steps involved in the task of patching a carpet. If you are not confident enough to do the job on your own, then your best bet would be to hire a professional. Most professionals have the necessary experience, training and knowledge required for performing repairs on a carpet, and also the tools needed to do the work. Some of them even have a sound idea about the process of invisible mending in Perth. 
Stated below are some simple steps that you can follow for patching a carpet. Have a look: 
I. Required Tools
The first thing that you need to do is arrange for some basic repair tools that can be easily bought from any local hardware store: 
  • Seam Tape
  • Screw Driver
  • Scissors
  • Straight Edge
  • Glue Gun
  • Knife

Once you have collected all the above mentioned tools, you are ready to begin the task. 
II. Getting Started
The first step is to find a matching carpet from which you can cut out the patch. Generally, you may have some left over folds from the installation done previously. Alternatively, you can cut off a patch from an inconspicuous area. After acquiring the matching material you can start the repairing process as has been described below step by step: 
1. Scoop out the damaged portion of the carpet. Run the screw driver down in the middle of the yarns so that it gets spread before cutting. There must be a square shaped hole.
2. Cut the portion of carpet from remnant. Use the straight edge in order to cut it from the back of the remnant. Make sure that the portion of patch is slightly bigger than the hole. 
3. Fit the patch properly. 
4. Make 2 slits on the back sides and line up together. Use straight edge in order to line up the backing of the other part and cut the edges afterwards.
5. Put a piece of seam tape under the carpet. Apply glue to the tape and place the patch. Pat the portion with your hands. Let it dry. You are all done!