How To Organise A Games Night With GiffGaff

Posted on the 30 October 2019 by Sim @simslifeblog

When giffgaff invited me to take part in their Games Night campaign, neither them nor myself realised how hard it would be to arrange! It really does seem to be the older your children are, the less free time you actually have!

So much of life is spent communicating with friends and family online these days, that wanted to remind us of how awesome it is when we spend time together! They had sent me the task to organise a games night with the eplicit order to SIM-ply have fun... see what I did there?! 😉

giffgaff sent me everything I needed to make the Games Night happen, including a fantastic selection of Big Potato Games to liven up girlie time! Find out why we are huge fans of the Big Potato Games range here.

I finally managed to round up friends who were free and available at the same time, not an easy feat in the slightest, but I found my self preparing the house in time for guests before I knew it! There was food, games galore, a portable charger in case anyone ran low on mobile battery life and erm... Strictly! What better way to spend a Saturday evening!

Not only was the campaign a great reason to get together with my friends, but also to reconnect friends back together who have not seen each other in person for a couple of years! Gossip was certainly rife under my roof that night and it was magical to see everyone smiling... something you cannot see when you are reading a message on your phone!

The life of a blogger is always spent staring at a screen, whether laptop or mobile and it can seem a chore to actually step away from it all, even for a few hours. However, the downtime and actual real life interaction is much needed as a reminder not to let too much of life pass us by.

Weird Things Humans Search For was always going to be a winner and this question certainly posed a few interesting throw backs! I'm liking the 'charge rent' idea! I possibly had the upper hand with this game as I have played it before and it is one of my favourite games. With game cards featuring the most searched for terms on Google, the game really is an open field for the wackiest answers and provides the heartiest of laughter and some thought provoking discussions!

"Do people really search for that?" is a phrase stated most often - however my top tip is to keep your answers simple in order to win the game! You can purchase the game from Amazon here - current price of £17.99.

Personally, I am a huge fan of giffgaff, having been part of their community now for almost 2 years. In that time the rewards I earn from using the mobile network provider have increased, loyalty really does pay! Depending on how often you use your phone, there are a range of monthly plans available on the giffgaff network starting from £6 per month for 500MB of data, 300 minutes and 500 text messages.

If you are looking for a SIM card to gift with a phone this Christmas, this is a perfect starting point! All the plans are available on a recurring monthly basis, however the good news is that you have the freedom to cancel at anytime.
Check out thegiffgaff SIM only deals to find what would suit your mobile usage - you can request SIM cards online or in stores such as Tesco and activate on the easy to use giffgaff site. With a handy app available for download on your phone, you can always keep a check on the monthly allowance you have left.

So whilst it is important to stay connected with people in person, just make sure you are connected with an awesome mobile network when using your phone!