How to Move Out of Your Parent’s House With No Money

Posted on the 11 June 2018 by Martins97

Moving out of your parents' house is a hurricane task from beginning to the end.

Until now, living with your parents have provided you with a great sense of financial safety, security and meeting all of your needs.

Things are about to change for you as having little money is hard, but having no money at all is an even harder pill to swallow.

You are uncertain about the gradual unfolding events- your fear is completely understood.

Aditionally, moving out of your parents' house might not only stress you but might get your parent worried too.

"How to move out of your parent's house with no money?" This is an excellent question with not-so-good answers. This is because each relocation decision, action and scenario is unique to you alone and, as the sole decision maker, is the best authority to answer this interesting question.

If you are finding it hard to make your tough relocation journey decision, or are looking for some general yet practical tips for moving with no money- this post is for you.

Let get right to it

Step 1: How to move out of your parent's house with no money: Re-evaluate Your Brave Decision to Move with No Money

Before you move cross country when with no money is to question again the reasoning and logic behind your bold decision with hope of finding a better solution under the circumstances surrounding you.

Ask yourself the following question:

Is it truly necessary for me to relocate to a new home, in another part of my current country, in a new city?

If yes, how urgent is your desire to start anew away from your parents' house? Or do you have to make the relocation move right now?

The problem with moving out while broke is that you you're about to dive headfirst into this life changing and highly unpredictable session in anyone's life with a huge disadvantage. It's like swimming in the Olympics after every competitor have begun swimming- you would still have time to catch up with the group but just think about the insane amount of persistence, mental strength and physical endurance you would need to come out in first to third position.

Now, moving out of your parents' house with no cash puts you at an unfair disadvantage. In that, you are at the world mercies. Have it at the back of your mind that miscalculations, too much pressure, rushed decisions and badly judged situations can and will easily get you into trouble.

If what you need is more time to save up "just enough" money to cover moving costs, rent and other relocation expenses, you might want to postpone the actual move so that you don't have to put in too much effort to eradicate the aforementioned disadvantage. Good timing will not only increase your relocation timing rate but will also ensure your relocation plan is foolproof.

Step 2: How to move out of your parent's house with no money: Look For a Job before The Move

How to move out of parent's house with no money? Once you are completely convinced that there are no other options rather than actually making the house move, your next line of action is to evaluate your current financial status objectively. After all, it might not be as bad as you think.

What advice did your mind give?

Let's face it, the phrase "no money" can mean different things to all kinds of individuals, so it's key to clarify what you mean by thinking about moving out of your current space without money. In reality, do you actually mean you absolutely have no money at all? Or do you mean you have little money and you think it is not sufficient to cover relocation expenses? Or you have money but are afraid it won't get you other things you will need in your new apartment?

Whichever one applies to you still follow the same basic rule- Getting a job in your destination state, city or country. In case you can't find one before the move, you must get yourself a job right after the move but it is more advisable and wiser to get one before moving because job hunting is a slow process and unless you get really lucky it might take months or years before you bag one.

To eradicate the complication of being money-less and unemployed, it is better to carry out research to see if your skills or areas or expertise can be monetized in the city, state or country you are moving to. If it isn't, then you should prepare your mind to make it there, even if it means that you work your ass off in any job until you find the right one.

How to move out of your parents' house with no money? Keep reading to find out more practical advice on you can move to a new city and how to find yourself a job there.

Step 3: How to move out of your parent's house with no money: Don't Be Afraid to Ask for Timely Help

How to move out of your parent's house with little money or no money at all? It is pretty disheartening to find yourself in a situation where you have no financial resource at the moment and have to move out of your parents' house ASAP. Either of these two transitional periods is bad enough, but their mistimed combination will prove to be a real challenge to your decision.

Are you out of cash and can't find a job? No worries! Look on the brighter side. There is light at the end of the tunnel. I know this is hard to believe but there really is a light.

Good news! The light at the end of the tunnel are your parents! You don't have to have any cash now, but your financial situation can experience a turn around with your parents help.

You should ask your friends or parents for help when you are about to move away with no money-this is a very wise thing to do considering your current financial state.

Moving out of your parent is easier when you and they know that the reason for moving is not THEM. You can ask them for money through any of the following ways:

Option 1: To hasten the process, you can ask them for a loan which you can repay as soon as you are up and doing well.

Option 2: If you are of good behaviour, there is an even higher chance of them suggesting lending or giving you some money to make the though a reality.

Option 3: If getting a loan is an impossible task, talk to your dad and mom and see if they will be willing to cover your relocation expenses, which, evidently, is a huge relief as well.

Option 4: If your mom and dad are unable to render any kind of assistance to you financially, then they must surely be glad to give you a helping hand with the moving preparations such as packing, loading, arranging a moving vehicle, etc./, including providing you with some essential things you will need for your new home.

If you failed in securing a temporary loan from your parents, then it's time to see if any of your good friends can offer you temporary loan or help you survive this hard period. After all, we only know our true friends in time of struggles. Right?

Option 1: Ask your pals if they are willing to do away with any packing supplies they no longer need.

Option 2: It is also possible that one of your friends have a pickup truck you can borrow to move your belonging out of your parents' house. Hiring a moving vehicle from a truck rental company will cost you money, and your friend's truck will save you a lot.

Option 3: Your buddies might have pieces of furniture stored in their basements, attics or garages which they no longer have practical use for which could be of good use to you. However, moving pieces of heavy furniture to other parts of the country can prove to be expensive, so you should exercise extra care when choosing what to take with you.

Option 4: Your good friends are great at organizing things, packing and sorting loads; so that part will be settled. So instead of buying them gifts as appreciation, promise them to respond in kind and be sure to stick to your promise at all costs.

Option 5: A friend or friend of yours could be making good money and living fine and who wouldn't mind covering bits, a part or all of the transitional phase you are currently going through.

Option 6: Moving out of your parents' house with little or no money is never fun or an easy process. In the best case scenario, you could have a good friend in the new state, city or country you're relocating to and they will agree to shelter you until you (re)gain your financial stability and move into your own place.

Step 4: How to move out of your parent's house with no money:Don't Spend Money You Don't Really Have

It would be unwise to spend money you do not have while planning to move out of your parents' house. If a friend or your parents have agreed to lend you some cash to cover the move, make it your responsibility to make sure the relocation are kept at a minimal cost no matter what.

Moving on a budget is one thing, but moving on a VERY TIGHT BUDGET is a different game entirely. Regardless of how insignificantly that cost-saving opportunity might look, you must take advantage of it to lower your moving costs to their absolute minimum,

How to move out of your parent's house with no money? This is why we have written today's guide to make your move as cheap as possible. So take advantage of our top money-saving tips when moving away from your parents building so that you can keep your relocation costs at a reasonable price.

The formula is simple; reduce the items you're taking with you to their absolute minimum. Because the more personal belongings and furniture pieces you decide to move to your new home, the more transportation money you will need to pay.

All you need to take with you is your lucky coin and things will be just fine.

A smart way to figure out is to make a scale of preference list!, and then revise that list a few more times. Take with you items you can't live without even for a day! The good part here is that once you find a decent job in the new city and settle in your new apartment, you can find time to go pack your remaining items, buy more books, more clothes, more furniture etc.

    Do not purchase any packing materials

The last thing you want to do when moving out of your parents' house with no money is to pay for packing materials which, by the way, will only increase the cost of relocating. As stated earlier, a good way to avoid this is to ask for free from friends who no longer need it or ask friends who recently moved if they are willing

to give out some of their moving containers or boxes. Also, you might want to consider getting cardboard boxes from local business in your neighbourhood who have too many. Don't be shy, gather up courage and go ask!

Additionally, use blankets as bubble wrap, repurpose old bed sheets, free newsprint paper as packing paper and utilize bath towels, rags and socks a s cushioning and filling materials.

Bring on your creativity and avoid spending a single cent for packing supplies!

A great idea to generate some extra cash is to sell some of the items you own but decide to leave behind. First, sell off items that are in good conditions and possess some economic value (this cost more and can generate the cash you need). How you sell them depends on a number of factors. How you decide to sell them depends on how much time you have until your moving date and how much effort you are willing to devote to give to the sale in general.

  • Organize a Yard sale: this remains one of the best ways of getting rid of unwanted items while still making profit. However, the bad side of it is that you will need more time to properly prepare your goods for sale and organize a garage sale properly.
  • Sell online properties you no longer use: This is another cash making way to make some cash but can only be achieved when you have enough time to prepare the goods for sale. Plus, you will need to wait for a purchase to be made before items can be shipped.
  • Sell Personal items to friends: It is essential that you know that this option can be quite tricky because almost everyone believes that "material things are meant to be given to friends and not sold". Still, provided that both parties are good with that sale thing, ensure you give your pals a huge friendly discount.
Step 5: How to move out of your parent's house with no money:Switch into an Ultra-Economical Mode after the Move

If you have somehow managed to move out of your parents' house with little to no money, then it would shock you to know that the worst part of the challenge is yet to come. Relocating with no job or money is an exasperating task itself, but there are a few urgent tasks to take care of before you can properly congratulate yourself for your courageous exhibition.

After you somehow moved out against all odds, ensure you never again suffer your faithful wallet by keeping it short of cash for long periods of time.

Take a closer look at the following practical tips on how to save money after moving to a new city:

Money-saving tip 1: Secure a job first

If you have not begun your search for a job yet; its high tie you begin. Be extra flexible and lower your expectations as you might be pressed to accept an offer that is far from ideal. Don't let this discourage you; stay positive and in time, you will get that amazing job you've always wanted.

Money-saving tip 2: Alter your spending habits

Finding yourself in a new place with fewer items you are accustomed to having, you may be tempted to buy new stuff with your first salary. However, this is not a very nice survival tactic considering your poor start- you still have a lot of things to do, remember?

I would recommend you become a minimalist and a very smart shopper. You can hunt coupons online too until you reach the point where you do not need to imagine euro notes in your head. Slow and steady wins the race. Don't think of spending cash on any item unless you absolutely need them.

Money-saving tip 3: Use valuable information to your advantage

After you moved out of your parents' house to a new city/state or country with no money, the strangeness and unfamiliarity of the new environment will undoubtedly cause you to spend on almost anything than most local residents. Why is that so? You don't have any insider information that could cause you to spend yet. At least not yet.

Since you moved with little to no money, your best chance of survival is to be at alert for any presented opportunity to save or make money. Discount coupons, seasonal sale, daily or weekly promotions are some of the easy ways to spend less for the same products or services. You should make new good friends; a place to start is your coworkers, neighbours, park etc.

No one promised you fun and excitement when you are trying to stay cheap after relocating, but you can simply view the struggle as "just another phase of life" you are passing through and be certain that victory is sure!

Have you moved out of your parents' house? How to move out of your parent's house with no money? How did you do it? Share your experience with us