How To Migrate From Magento to Shopify Using LitExtension 2020

Posted on the 17 December 2020 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

Curious to know about How To Migrate From Magento to Shopify Using LitExtension? Read our detailed guide to know using Litextension.

Correct!! The reason why you chose to read this article Litextension to Shopify on seeing the title is the exact thing I am going to discuss in this article. Yes, I am going to sort all your problems with data transfer to Shopify. I am not a magician, to sort all your problems with just a Magic Wand. But I know a magic tool that can sort all your problems regarding data transfer.

A magician never reveals his secrets, but I am not a magician and I revealed the name of the Magic Tool in the title of the article itself, Yes, of course, the one and only Litextension. Litextension transfers your data from various e-commerce platforms to Shopify within seconds. So In this article, Let's see, the kinds of entities Litextension transfers and the platforms in which Litextension offers its service.

Litextension is one of the leading shopping cart migration services which was founded in 2011. Litextension helps you to move your data quickly from one e-commerce site to another and it supports migration over 100+ websites. Litextension provides various migration possibilities like 301 redirects, just password migration, and much more.

Litextension makes your data migration process so simple that you can convert all your data in just 3 steps.

Now, Let's see about the company which integrated with Litextension for data migration.

Shopify Overview

I don't have to tell you about Shopify, You are reading this article because you want to know how to transfer your data from other sites to your Shopify site.

Just to make sure, everyone reading this article is on the same page, I will give a quick introduction to Shopify.

Shopify is an online platform for anyone who wants to create a site and sell their products online. Shopify provides you all the tools to make your own website and it also helps you in marketing your products.

Shopify offers different kinds of platforms and tools for their different kinds of users like

For each of these platforms, Shopify offers different tools to help you in your operation.

For the data transfer feature, which is an important part of managing a site, Shopify integrates with one of the best data migrators available in the business, Yes, the one and only Litextension itself.

Litextension offers its service of migrating data to Shopify from these platforms

Let's see how Litextension does its migration process in the next topic and how you can transfer your data from these platforms to Shopify in the subsequent topics.

Let's see how Litextension transfers your data from various e-commerce sites to Shopify.

Step1: Open a Litextension account and fill the transfer details

First, you have to set up a Litextension account(it's free of cost) and you have to fill the source site and the target site URL's in the required fields.

As you can see from the image, you have to enter your source site name and its URL and similarly your target site name and its URL.

Step2: Download Litextension connector

Once you have filled all the source and target site details, a Litextension connector file will be generated in the form of a zip file which you have to download and unzip it. You have to make sure that this zip folder is located in your current store's root folder where you will have all your transfer data details.

Similar to this, after you extracted the zip folder you will find a folder in the name of le_connector which you have to upload back into the Litextension migration site and once you have uploaded the file you will see a notification of Litextension downloaded successfully.

Step3: Get API info for your sites

In order to connect two sites, you need API info to migrate between those two sites. Since this article is about migrating your data to your Shopify site, Let's see the procedure for getting the API info for your Shopify site.

  1. Log in to your Shopify site
  2. Under the Apps section, you can find Manage private apps which upon clicking it will give you an option for creating a new private app.

When you select the Create new private app option you can enter the private app name and its developer email which in this case is Litextension and its developer email.

  1. At the Admin API section of Shopify, you have to give permission for Litextension to read and write.
  2. At the storefront API section, you have to give permission to access all your data by Litextension.

Upon completion of all these steps, you can get your Shopify API info in the admin section.

Step4: Decide the entities you want to transfer

After giving access to your data for Litextension, you can specifically decide the entities and their quantities you want to migrate from your current source site and if you want all of your data then you can select all the entities.

Step5: Initiate the Migration process

Once you have completed all the previous steps, you can initiate the migration process and you don't even need the internet for this process to happen. After the completion of this process, you can access all your data from your Shopify site.

Don't worry!!! If you get lost in the middle of this process, you can see the clear procedures with images in Litextension's official website and you can contact them 24*7 for further assistance.

This may seem complicated, but all you have to do is follow the procedure and click some buttons and you can easily migrate all your data within minutes.

The most popular data transfer among the customers using Litextension was

If you want to transfer your data from other platforms to Shopify you have to follow all the above-mentioned steps with the target site as Shopify and the source site as your current site.

Let's see some of the key features Litextension has to offer for efficient data migration from one site to another.

Smart update:

This feature allows you to migrate all the data you missed out during your initial migration process and your site will get constantly updated if there is some new data in your previous website.

Currently, Litextension has the capability to constantly update these five entities.


The smart update will be free and it is an unlimited access tool up to 3 months of your full migration procedure. After 3 months for each entity, it will cost around ¼ of your basic cost for migrating that entity.

Subscription data migration:

This feature will help you to transfer all your subscriptions to your target site if you are running a service site. Even though you are switching to a new site you can still receive all your subscriptions. For Shopify Recharge and bold apps are the popular subscription apps and you can get these in your new site itself.

This is an exclusive feature only for Shopify and Woocommerce users to migrate their subscription apps as well.

301 Redirects and URL migration:

This feature will help you to migrate the URL of your previous source site to your new site without any change in its structure. This is a huge advantage feature because you can keep the same URL that you have worked and marketed for years.

This 301 Redirect will prevent your site from showing error and gaining a negative experience this will redirect the user to your new site without any suspicions.

This feature hands the entire migration work to a personal assistant and you can get regular updates on the progress of the migration. This will save you a lot of time and you can focus on your business during this transformation period.

It varies from the basic migration process by handing over the work to a personal assistant in the following areas.

Your personal assistant will take care of all your custom field checks and server and hosting issues.

Even the demo Migration will be done by your personal assistant and you can see just the results of this migration process.

    Full Migration and post-migration tasks

The entire migration process will be taken care of by your assistant and the regular updates on your data will also be monitored by your assistant.


This exclusive feature will cost you around $149 and it comes with these additional benefits

The litextension support team will address all your issues within 12 hours instead of 24 hours for the Basic Migration service.

By purchasing this feature you can get free access to some of the exclusive features of Litextension like Password Migration, SEO redirect, etc.

These are some of the key features of Litextensions, Let's see in detail some of the other features offered by Litextension.

Database dump migration service

This feature helps you to transfer your data from your source site to the target site even when your source site is collapsed and you can't directly connect your two platforms together.

As you can see from the image, Litextension will import your collapsed data to their database and they will retrieve all your original information and migrate it successfully to your target site.

Database dump Migration can be used in the following scenarios

  • If your source website collapsed and all your data gets crashed
  • If you want your migration to be private and want to transfer your data without your source site's permission.
  • If you don't have a dedicated server and works on a cloud server.
Custom field migration:

This feature will help you to transfer all the data which do not default in your source site and the data you obtained from using various plugins. This feature will ensure that no data got lost during the migration process and you don't have to add all the plugins again for the same data.

Recent data migration:

This feature will help you to get all the data you received in your old site while building your new site or during the migration process. This will help you to receive all the customer orders you have received in your previous source site and the entities which got updated during the migration process.

Price estimator:

Price estimator as its name suggests gives you an estimate of how much it will cost to migrate all the entities you requested from the source site to your target site.

You can find the accurate price for the migration by mentioning all the details like

  • The number of products you want to transfer.
  • The number of customers you have in your source site.
  • The number of orders you need to migrate.

You can also find the estimated time it needs to transfer all your data from one site to another so that you can plan your activities accordingly.

Customers Password Migration:

This feature helps you to access your new site with your old account credentials with no need to change your login details for your new site. This will help you in managing a single password for all of your e-commerce sites and it will reduce your time and memory.

Litextension offers this feature in a plugin type and currently, this feature will work only in open-source platforms like Magneto, Prestashop, etc..

Litextension offers 24*7 customer support for all of the users whether they are a premium user or not. In addition to this, they addressed all the Frequent questions their customers have mentioned, on their website itself to give more clarity to their new customers and to save your valuable time.

According to numerous customer reviews, most of the customers appreciated Litextension 's unique tools of migration like the smart update, Password migration, etc.. in saving time and data transfer accuracy but the customers also feel it needs development in some of the areas like

  • Plugin support for all the e-commerce sites
  • Optimizing the migration timings for all the platforms.

Apart from these customers are really happy with Litextension's features and data accuracy level.

Litextension offers a free demo for some of the entities' migration and if you want a full migration Litextension offers its price based on the factors I mentioned in the pricing estimator and it varies depending upon the quantities you want to migrate your entities.

For example

Litextension charges $19 for migrating all your data from opencart to Shopify with the following entities

This price can vary depending upon the sites you choose for migration and the number of entities you decide to migrate and the quantities of those entities.

Litextension to Shopify

  • Sufficient tools to ensure all your data got migrated from your old site to the new site.
  • A free demo of some of the entity's migration will give you a preview of their data accuracy and estimation time.
  • The pricing estimator gives you an accurate cost estimate before you start your migration process.
  • Customizing features will help you to transfer the data which are not in the default entities list.
  • Specialized features to maintain your SEO ranking for your new Shopify site.
  • Needs development in some of the plugin features.
  • Not all the features offered by Litextension is for all the e-commerce sites.
  • Some of the migration costs between the two platforms are not in the affordable range for small business owners.
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FAQs On LitExtension

Even though Litextension has some downfalls when it comes to data transfer to Shopify but it also makes data migration to Shopify easier in several aspects like the constant update, Low migration time, Low price for migration compared to other sites.

Precisely, Litextension will be suitable for those who want to transfer all of their data to their Shopify site as soon as possible and at a low price. Litextension's unique features make your data transfer near perfection and it ensures that this migration does not affect your SEO ranking at all.