When a person thinking about a disease, it creates a clear picture of what it is, and what it isn't. Lots of people suffers from many diseases and that affects their lifestyle. Diabetes is one of the most common problem that affects millions of people worldwide, one would expect the definition and classification of diabetes to be fairly straightforward. There are various questions come into the mind of diabetic patients. How to get rid of this problem and how to manage the blood sugar level naturally. There are various Natural Herbal Remedies to manage sugar level. Here we are discussing different diabetes herbal remedies
Before switch to the treatment of diabetes we will discuss about diabetes, its causes and management in Ayurveda.
What is diabetes?
- Diabetes is chronic condition that causes a person's blood sugar level to become too high. It refers to a group of diseases that affect your body and how uses blood sugar (glucose). Glucose is vital source of energy for the cells that make up your muscles and tissues in body. Diabetes has serious effect on multiple organs like kidneys, heart, brain, blindness, nervous system. Therein are various complication s associated with diabetes.
- Different factors responsible for diabetes like genetic and environment which influence development of its main types of diabetes called tupe1 and type 2 diabetes.

1. Type 1 diabetes -In type one diabetes there is destruction of the insulin producing cells (Beta cells) of pancreas by immune system. It is mostly common in people under the age of 20.
2. Type 2 diabetes - Type 2 diabetes is also known as non-insulin dependent diabetes (NIDDM) and more the common in the children who are obese or overweight. In this case there is a very less production of insulin which is insufficient to fulfill the body's need. This condition further leads to insulin resistance.
In Ayurveda, diabetes is known as madhumeha (Madhu means 'honey' and Meha means 'urine'). It is categorized as Vataj Meha which is due to aggravation of vata dosha. Imbalance of vata results in the deterioration of dhatus (body tissues) which is the main reason why diabetes affects all vital organs. Its main cause is the impaired digestion. Due to this there is the accumulation of digestive impurities in pancreatic cells which leads to impairment in insulin production. With the help of various herbal remedies present in Ayurveda, diabetes can be manage. These helps in production of beta cells which further maintain the good blood sugar levels.
Madhumeha is classified as a Maha Rog (Major Disease) if it is not treated in time, it can lead to several complications in the body, including eye problems, joint pains, impotency, kidney failure, sexual and urologic problems, and more. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder and it cannot be merely treated by controlling sugar levels.
- Diabetes management in Ayurveda is very effective and safe way to get rid from this problem. Ayurveda is the holistic and natural approach that assists a person to balance the body, mind and soul. The main goal of the treatment in Ayurveda is rejuvenating the body to not only balance sugar levels, but also prevent the body from further complication.
- Planet Ayurveda is the herbal formulation company which works on the pure ayurvedic natural principles and provide their benefits to human beings. This company offers the various pure herbal products like herbal tablets, herbal capsules, herbal powders and various other products.
For the diabetes management Planet Ayurveda offers the complete Diabetes Care Pack which contains the four products:
- Fenugreek capsules
- Bittermelon capsules
- Dia- beta plus capsules
- Madhu mehantak churna.
1. FENUGREEK CAPSULES - These are pure herbal capsules obtained from the pure extracts of herb Methi ( Trigonella foenum gracecum). Methi is one of the most common spice used in the Indian kitchen. It is known to be very beneficial to reduce the increased levels of blood sugar. Its seeds help in the absorption of sugar and fats. This herb is quite useful to increase the glucose tolerance of our body.
DOSE - 2 capsules, twice daily with plain water after meals.
2. BITTERMELON CAPSULES - It is commonly known as kerala. Bittermelon capsules are prepared from the pure extracts of the herb Momordica charanita. Its Regular use helps to get rid from diabetes. It contains the two compounds - charatin and momordicin which are quite effective to decrease the high levels of blood sugars. Seeds of karela are packed with polypeptide -P which acts like insulin and help to get rid from diabetes.
DOSE - 2 capsules, twice daily with plain water after meals.
3. DIA-BETA PLUS CAPSULES - These capsules are prepared by the combination of various herbs which is given below-
- Gurmaar (Gymnema sylvestrae)
- Karla (Momordica charnatia)
- Saptrangi (Salacia oblonga)
- Vizaysaar (Petrocarpus marsupium
- Tulsi (Ocimmum tenuiflorum)
BENEFITS - These herbs are packed with wonderful properties to manage the problem of diabetes and control blood sugar level naturally. These herbs help to increase the production of insulin hormone and thus help to maintain the good blood sugar levels. These herbs support the good functioning of pancreas also.
DOSE - 2 capsules, twice daily with plain water after meals.
4. MADHUMEHANTAK CHURNA - This is herbal powder formulation of Planet Ayurveda that helps to manage the diabetes problem. These are an amazing blend of various herbs which are listed below -
- Saptrangi (Salacia chinesis)
- Vizaysaar (Pterocarpus marsupium)
- Bilva patra (Aegle marmelos)
- Gurmaar (Gymnema sylvestrae)
- Darulhadi (Berberis arsistata)
- Neem patra (Azardirachta indica)
- Methi (Trigonella foenum graceum)
- Jamun (Syzygium cumini)
- Karela (Momordica charantia)
- Tulsi (Ocimum sactum)
- Sadabahar (Eochnera rosea)
- Babool (Acacia arabica)
BENEFITS - Herbs used in the formulation of madhu mehantak churna are very helpful to manage the diabetes. These herbs help to pacify the aggravated vata dosha which is the main cause of diabetes in Ayurveda. These herbs also help to maintain the good blood sugar levels and help to get rid from diabetes in a natural way.
DOSE - 1 teaspoonful twice in a day, ½ hour before meals with plain water or apple juice or iced tea.
Along with medicine diet and lifestyle also play a vital role in management of disease. There are few tips that helps to manage diabetes:
- Include whole grains in the diet, such as wheat bread/pasta and brown rice.
- Cheese and yogurt prepared with skimmed (nonfat) milk may be taken.
- Use garlic, onion, bitter gourd, spinach, raw banana, and black plum.
- Avoid sweet, sour, and salty foods, potatoes, sweet potatoes, colocasia (taro), yams, fresh grains and pulses (legumes), whole yogurt (high in fat), and heavy, oily and spicy foods.
- Do light exercise like walking.