How to Make You Very Own Dreamcatcher

By Invisiblestilettos
Good morning my darlings!   How's your Holy Week vacation?  I do hope you had a recharged mind, body, and soul.  I made this very interesting project over the weekend.  I have been seeing this a lot over Tumblr and even Facebook and decided that I could do a simple one that I could hang above our bed.
Dream catchers are one of the most fascinating traditions of Native Americans. The traditional dream catcher was intended to protect the sleeping individual from negative dreams, while letting positive dreams through. The positive dreams would slip through the hole in the center of the dream catcher, and glide down the feathers to the sleeping person below. The negative dreams would get caught up in the web, and expire when the first rays of the sun struck them.
The dream catcher has been a part of Native American culture for generations. One element of Native American dream catcher relates to the tradition of the hoop. Some Native Americans of North America held the hoop in the highest esteem, because it symbolized strength and unity. Many symbols started around the hoop, and one of these symbols is the dream catcher.
( For this project, you will need:1.  Hoops of different sizes2.  Yarn3.  FeathersYou will also need scissors. First, get your hoop.  I chose three different sizes of hoops for my dream catcher.  Wrap the yarn over each ring.  Do this as tightly as you can looping the yarn over and under the ring.When you are done with your loop and both ends meet together, just tie a tight knot or two to secure it.  Make sure to cut off any excess threads.  For this project, I used white yarns and a small rope for different texture.  You can also you crochet thread, paracord, or even ribbons to wrap around your rings.Next, get your yarn then tie a knot on your ring to start weaving a spiderweb-like pattern.  After tying a knot, place another figure-four knot about one to two inches away from your first knot.  Do this until you are done with the first layer. For the second layer, do another figure-of-four stitch from the end of your last knot to the middle of the first "gap" you made on your first layer.  Pull your knots tightly to make a strong and steady pattern.  Repeat this for the third and fourth or more layers until you reach the center of the ring.  Secure the end with a knot then cut the remaining yarn.This is how it should look like after.  Don't worry if it's not perfect, it just adds character to your dream catcher.  Here's what my rings looked like after I weaved the spiderwebs.Next, all we have to do is to assemble our dream catcher.  Just attach the rings together by tying the yarn from one ring to another.Next, get your feathers then bundle them together and wrap thread around the "stems" several times and secure with a double knot.  Remember to make one end of your knots long for easy handling.  We can now attach it to the dream catcher.This is how your dream catcher should look like after.  I made mine really basic and simple.  You can play with it by threading different beads then attaching it to the dream catcher or even adding beads while weaving your spiderwebs. I do hope you love today's project!  Tell me, what's you dream today? I'd love to know on the comments section below :) Have a great week!