How To Make Moringa Leaves Powder and How To Use

By Anjana Chaturvedi @maayeka

Moringa leaves powder/ Drumstick leaves powder-

Moringa tree is often referred as miracle tree because the leaves are packed with so many nutrients,anti oxidants and are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. Moringa tree or drumstick tree grows all over India in abundance, though its a tall tree but you can also grow it in containers in your balcony. The fruit of the tree -drumsticks is used to make sabzi ,curries and stir fries and are very healthy and taste great .

The leaves of Moringa tree are edible and are used in cooking from olden times but have become popular in the last few years as a super food . I my self was not aware of these leaves until I saw these moringa leaves in a super market here in Dubai and then a keralite friend told me about it and since then moringa leaves become a regular in my grocery shopping list.

Moringa leaves have almost all the nutrients we need regularly for our good health and well being. It has vitamins, calcium, iron, protein, magnesium, zinc and is low in fat and helps to cure numerous health problems by keeping body organs healthy.(info from the net)

Health Benefits Of Moringa Leaves-
  1. Moringa leaves protect and treat Cancer and are also good for liver health.
  2. The calcium and phosphorus and the anti inflammatory properties present in Moringa leaves helps to make bones stronger and helps arthritis patients.
  3. The anti oxidants present in moringa leaves are heart friendly and thus helps to maintain healthy lipid and cholesterol profile and prevents cardiac damage.
  4. Moringa leaves powder is good for diabetic patients as it helps to reduce the amount of glucose in the blood.
  5. It also prevent arteries from thickening thus reduce high blood pressure
  6. Moringa also helps to improve eyesight by stopping the dilation of retinal vessels
  7. Treats Anemia-It helps the body to absorb more Iron thus the red blood count increase
  8. Helps in treating mood disorders, anxiety and fatigue.
  9. Due to its antibacterial and anti fungal properties it helps in digestion,treat constipation and gastric problems.
  10. Moringa leaves juice acts as a antiseptic on skin problems and good for wound healing.
  11. Good for lactating mothers as it helps to increase milk production.
How To Make Moringa Powder

Though fresh moringa leaves are easily available in the market but its a good idea to make powder of moringa leaves and use easily when ever required. Making powder from Moringa leaves is very easy. Get fresh tender leaves, pluck the leaves and discard the stems and stalks and then wash them thoroughly 2-3 times with enough water and then spread on a kitchen napkin to absorb the extra moisture. Now spread in a colander /sieve or on a napkin and sun dry in a covered area(don't put in direct sunlight as it will effect the bight green colour of the leaves )You can also dry it under the fan if you don't have the option to dry it in sunlight.

The leaves will dry in 1-2 days . When the leaves become crisp then gently crush them and discard the stems and stalk if any and then powder the leaves in your mixer and store it in an airtight container . It stays well for 6 months at room temperature. After 6 month it may loose some potency but still edible. You can also refrigerate it if you are making it in bulk. The taste may be slight bitter so use in little quantity at a time.

How to Use Moringa Powder-
  1. Add 1 tsp powder in your regular daal to make it healthier..
  2. Add in your chapati dough or bread dough.
  3. Sprinkle it on any stir fry like you add coriander powder.
  4. Add some Moringa powder,lemon juice and honey in a cup of boiling water to make healthy Moringa tea.
  5. Add some moringa powder in your yogurt, raita ,soup and stew.
  6. Can be added in your dosa or cheela batter.
  7. My favourite way- Mix some moringa powder in your coriander powder jar so it can be added regularly in your daily daal and sabzi, I always add some dried Moringa leaves and dried curry leaves in my Home made Coriander powder to make it more flavourful and healthier.
  8. Add in your favorite breakfast smoothies.
  9. When ever you make green chutney add 1/2 tsp of moringa powder
  10. Add little in your salad dressing.
  11. It does not dissolve in cold water so add in hot water or liquids.
How Much Quantity To Consume-
  • If you are on medication for blood pressure or Diabetes then better to take your doctors advise before taking Moringa Powder regularly.
  • The recommended dose of moringa podwer is to start with 1/2 tsp per person and can be increased to 1 tsp daily.
  • Taking too much moringa leaves powder may lead to flatulence, upset your stomach or a runny tummy, so start slowly and then increase gradually.

Will soon post some recipes to use Moringa powder till then Try this Recipe- Moringa leves and potato stir fry

How To Make Moringa Leaves Powder

Moringa leaves powder/ Drumstick leaves powder- a very healthy, easy to make immunity booster powder