How to Make More Money From Your Blog With 5 Tweaks

Posted on the 17 July 2017 by David Mark @Ataghan_micheal
Bloggers have a lot of different ways to make money from their blog but in this article, I will show you 5 Tweaks ways to added to your blog, this 5 tweak is approved by many studies and I have seen many big blog or website on the web using this 5 Tweaks to generate 6 figure income.

1. Use A Popup

if you want to make money from your blog the first thing you want to do is collecting emails, obviously you will need traffic before you start to collect email. you should offer where people can put in their email and is called The lead Magnet. a popup looks something like this below.

for example, if you visit when you about to leave the page that popup comes up. there is a few different way to do this, you can do a popup that comes up like that within a few seconds after they come to your blog or you can have one when they are leaving the blog, you can try both but I recommend you to choose one. many top websites do it after people are about to click the back button.before leaving after they done reading the content on a blog then something like that will come up is like free offer exchange for email, is called the lead magnet. this a very easy way to increase your lead and when you increase your lead you get more traffic, because when you send out a broadcast email in the future or when you publish your latest blog post more people will see it because you have more people on your email list. this will also result in more can send them a lot of free content and free information doing this, but once in a while, you have to send something that will help you get sales because you have to pay the bills. so collecting more email by using pop-up will help you get more sale. A pop-up service that I recommend you to look at is if you have a good budget for something like this, they will help you create a really nice pop-up. they are more expensive and it cost $50 a month depending on what you need.but if you need a free one and you don't mind having the company branding on your site then you could use they have a WordPress plugin, so if you using WordPress site you can use it on their page by going to sumo and enter your site in the box below.they have many things that will help you get more lead, more social share, get more traffic, and more sales. so those are service that I recommend.

2. Use Social Proof

you can build more menus using social proof, it allows more people to share your content from your blog. meaning you will get more traffic and more sales from your blog. someone who does a great job doing this is he has one of the top social media marketing blogs on the internet right now and is growing very rapidly because he understands the power of social he has multiple posts publish per day and he has a lot of guest writers, you can see on the left side with thousand share, that means he is very popular, when you look popular to people they are more likely to share your content, to listen to what you have to say, to look at your free e-books, you can see he has ebook on the right side bar, that is what we called lead magnet that I mention can see he had 4004 Pinterest pin, 2002 facebook share, 1007 Linkedin share, 6007 twitter share, etc. people are more likely to listen to you and buy your stuff when they believe that you are an expert or authentic, they will have that idea in their mind like hey maybe I should like this post or listen to what they have to say like other people are as well.the tool you can use is, I have mentioned them earlier, is a free service but they will have their brand on your site, but you can upgrade to paid version. social sharing makes a huge difference especially when you have high share number like jeffbullas.

3. Do Category-Specific Lead Magnets

I mention lead magnets earlier, if you want to get more lead and get more sales, you can it base on the category of the content that been shown to people, the reason why people going to your blog is to read your content, they wouldn't be there if they didn't search for something and then go to your blog or they see feature article that looks interesting and clicks on it to read it. that is why they are there on your blog. so if the post is about stock market trading then you will probably have a category on your blog that is related to stock, making money or investing, then you can have a separate lead magnet for investing, that will be targeted per person. let say you have 5 categories on your blogging then you can have a different lead magnet for each category.if they are reading a post in one category they would be able to see a lead magnet very related to that specific category, instead of relating to your blog general. you have your general topics you cover on your blog, then you have your content category.

4. Make It Easier To Oder The Product

whatever it is you are selling something like e-books, course, webinar, work shop, affiliate services, freelance services, whatever it is, you want to make it easier for people to check out, if you want to make money from your blog you need them to buy something. for example, on it takes you one or two clicks to buy something. One thing you can do is to have them signup for account and they will have that dashboard above like Amazon, another example is Papa JohnsIf you ever order pita from Papa Johns, one thing they did very well on their website is they make it easy to check out. you can use your debit card, you can pay cash, visa Checkpoint, Gift Card, Paypal, a lot of people like it better when you can pay with PayPal. they give you 5 option to check out and there is a simple form you have to fill out.

5. Give Pople A Great Guarantee

Poeple want to buy stuff without risk, so they want to reduce the risk if they can. they would not buy something if they feel like is too risky, most people will never return the item unless it just defective and once in a while it makes happen depend on what your business is but most of the time 99% people will not ask for a refund.

let say you want to buy a Teslr Roof that will solar power your home, they have Infinite Tile Warranty. if you are worried that it could be too expensive, they not only promise that is going to be the same cost as a normal roof, but they will also give you Infinite Tile Warranty. not only you will get a better roof but you will also get Infinite Tile Warranty that will never run makes your decision easier when you have that Warranty, and 30 days money back Guarantee is another Guarantee a lot of people respond well too. that is it folk, that is my 5 Tweaks ways to make money from your blog, I hope you got some idea from this article, but remember, this can happen overnight, it takes something to start seeing a result.