How to Make Easter Egg Terrariums

By Thehousethatlarsbuilt @houselarsbuilt

You know how terrariums are super in right now? Yes, they're everywhere. I love the look and wish I could have them, but to be completely honest, they totally frighten me. As much as I love flowers, I have the biggest black thumb. I cannot keep a cactus alive. And then to have the responsibility of a mini eco-world in the form of a terrarium? That's just way too much pressure.
SO, when I came across these clear Easter eggs at Smith's, my first reaction was "terrariums!" and then reality started to set in. I did what every adult evading responsibility does: I faked it. Yes, this is a fake terrarium. The dirt? Real. The moss? Real. The flower? Well, shouldn't you know by now that it's paper?! So, if you're anything like me, you'll be all for a fake terrarium. Much less pressure. But to give myself a little bit of credit, the egg is too small to have a living thing grow inside without bursting out of the seams. ALSO, there is no oxygen hole and any type of drilling would have shattered the plastic.
Am I forgiven?
Materials: clear plastic eggs (again, got mine from Smith's), moss, dirt, gold spray (optional)
Step 1: Spray the colored egg part gold. Wait 24 hours to dry properly.
Step 2: Insert a bit of wet dirt into the bottom of the egg filling about 1/3.
Step 3: Add a bit of moss on top.
Step 4: Dig your wire flower into the dirt.
Materials for the paper flower: paper color of your choice, green paper, stamen (center of the flower--I found mine here), scissors, floral wire wrapped in cloth (here's my suggestion on Amazon), hole punch (mine is Martha Stewart 1/16" from Amazon), glue gun Step 1: Cut a circle, about 1/2" diameter Step 2: Make a rounded start Step 3: Curl the edges up Step 4: Make a punch in the center of the flower Step 5: Add a stamen through the hole. Step 6: Glue on the back side of the flower and hold. Step 7: Cut a thin leaf in the green paper and curl with your fingers to give it shape. Step 8: Cut a piece of wire less than the size of the egg. Step 9: Cut the stamen down to a nub on the back side. Step 10: Glue the wire to the nub of the stamen. Step 11: Put a small amount of glue on the leaf and attach to the wire.
Done! What do you usually give for Easter?