How to Make Blueberry Pie

By Merry Brean @sandhirarecipes

Recipe Of Blueberry Pie
Servings:8 - 10 PersonsPreparation Time:30 MinutesCooking Time:45 MinutesIngredients
  • 4 cups All Purpose Flour
  • 4-6 cups Water
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 6 cups Blue Berries
  • 1 tbsp Lemon Peel
  • ¾ cup Sugar
  • ¼ tsp Cinnamon
How to make Blueberry Pie 
Step 1: In a medium bowl combine flour, salt and water to make a smooth dough. Roll out 2 discs from this dough and keep one of the discs in a pan and then chill it in refrigerator for 30 minutes 

Step 2: In a bowl toss blueberries, flour, cinnamon and lemon peel gently, then fill these in chilled disc and cover it with another rolled disc and crimp the edges if desired. Make some slits on upper layer

Continue Reading...  Blueberry Pie Recipe