How to Make a Two Color Pom Pom

By Lucy @TheThingsWeDO3

Yarn pom poms is a great way to embellish your knitted hat or a scarf. There are many more other ways to use pompoms, like making colorful garlands, pompom toys or pom pom rugs.

Here’s a quick illustrated tutorial how to make a two color pom pom:

1. Cut two half circle templates from a cardboard as shown at the image below. The length of the half circle side corresponds to the length of a pom pom.

2. Place a strand between the templates

3. Wrap the yarn around the template lenthwise.

4. To add second color wrap the strand of the second color around the part of the pattern. The more yarn you wrap the more second color there willl be in the pom pom.

5. Carefully cut the yarn directly at the centerline of the template.

6. Take to sides of the strand placed between two templates and tie a knot.

7. Fluff the pom pom and you’re done!

