How To Make a Saddle in Minecraft?

Posted on the 04 May 2023 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

Minecraft is quite a popular game and is widely played. So, if you want to know how to make a saddle in Minecraft, then you have landed at the right place.

In this article, we will be telling you about the same. So, let’s get started:

What is a saddle in Minecraft?

Superficially, a saddle means a leather-covered seat that is put on the back of the horse. In Minecraft, a saddle is used for the same purpose. A saddle is used to ride horses, mules, and pigs in Minecraft.

Unlike most of the other items in Minecraft, a saddle cannot be crafted. Instead, it has to be purchased or gathered.

How to make a saddle in Minecraft?

Step #1: Locating a saddle.

In this step, we will be telling you about the various possible places in the game from where you can find a saddle. Saddles are usually contained within the chests so, ultimately you have to hunt for a chest, and if you are lucky enough then you may be able to find a saddle.

Chests: It is one of the possible ways of getting a saddle as saddles cannot be crafted. You will have to look out for every chest you came across. Though the probability of finding a saddle in chests is quite low, you might be lucky enough to find one.

Dungeon: Chances are high that you can find a saddle in the dungeons which are scattered throughout the world. As per statistics are concerned, 54% chances are there that you may find a saddle as loot from the chests in dungeons.

You can find one or two chests in a dungeon, and chances are very high that you might be able to find a saddle in one of those chests.

Nether Fortress: A yet another spot where probability of finding a chest is good enough. In order to access the Nether, You require building a Nether Portal frame using obsidian blocks.

Beware because Nether is a dangerous place. So, make sure to come up with strong gears and lots of supplies.

There are 40% chances that you can get a saddle in the Nether Fortress, which may get down to 35% in 1.9.

Desert Temple: On your adventure, if you are looking for a saddle then you should look for a desert temple. If you have found one, then you should consider looking for the clay blue block which is usually located at the center of the floor.

After digging it for a while, a secret chamber with four chests will be exposed to you. There are 15% chances that you may be able to find a saddle in one of them which goes to 24% in 1.9. There is a sure shot chance that you will get access to a saddle.

Village blacksmith, Jungle temples and abandoned mineshafts: Villages are more likely to have a blacksmith, and there are 16% chances that you can find a saddle in his building via the chest.

Abandoned mineshafts and jungle temples have around 15% chances of containing a chest with a saddle inside. Temple has two chests while an abandoned temple can have multiple chests.

Step #2: Trading for a saddle.

You can trade your saddle and in this step, we will show you how you can do the same.

If you are up to the console or system version of Minecraft, then you can trade the saddles in exchange for emeralds with the villagers you came across. The leatherworker villagers who appear in a white apron getup can trade with you.

Additionally, if you want to purchase a saddle, then you will need somewhere around 9-16 Emeralds to unlock the right to buy a saddle and 8-10 more emeralds to purchase the saddle. You can buy the saddles either by mining, trading with the villagers or by obtaining the chests.

If you want to trade with the leatherworker, then you require right-clicking on the leatherworker in order to open the trade window. After this, you will have to buy the leather pants in exchange for 2-4 emeralds.

Now, open the trading window again and buy the leather tunic. Don’t forget to close the trading window as not doing so will result in no next tier.

Now, once you have enough emeralds then, this time, the leatherworker will have saddles available for trade. You can now buy emeralds.

Step #3: Using a saddle.

You can ride a horse or even a pig using this saddle. In this section, we will tell you how you can do so? So, let’s get started:

1: You first have to approach a wild horse and will have to try to climb on top of it. Initially, the horse will throw you out but after a few attempts, it will allow you to ride on it. While riding on it, make sure to be empty-handed.

2: While you have climbed on the horse, you need to open your inventory. Make sure to have the saddles available for use.

3: Now, all that you require is to position the saddle in the saddle slot next to the horse image. Now, you can easily ride the horse using the controls as you normally do. You can also make the horse jump by pressing the jump button.
Additionally, if you want to remove the saddle, then you can easily remove it by selecting the horse and then removing it from the inventory.

Wrapping up.

This wrapping up section brings us to the end of this tutorial cum guide on “How to make a saddle in Minecraft?” We hope that we were efficient enough to satisfy your curiosity about this topic.

We firmly believe that we have left no stone unturned while getting into the nitty-gritty of the topic and making you understand the entire concept of it. But if you still have any query regarding making a saddle in Minecraft then feel free to drop your query via comments below.

We will try our level best to resolve that.

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