How to Make a Gaming Website with WordPress in 2020? (Ultimate Guide)

Posted on the 16 June 2020 by Nirmalkumar1997

Do you enjoy playing some online games? Well, when it comes to the world of gaming, there’s much to love. In fact, after careful research, we’ve discovered that children and adults alike can hardly go a day without logging into their most preferred gaming website.

Now, did you know that you can quickly set up your WordPress gaming website? In this detailed guide, we’ve gathered a couple of interesting details needed to do so. We know that for the whole process to be as effective and reliable as possible, you’ll need some fully updated information.

Are you ready?

Let’s get to know how to make a Gaming website with WordPress!

Getting a Name for Your Domain and Selecting a Suitable Hosting Service

The first step when starting a gaming website is choosing the best hosting service and name for your domain. You will require a suitable site address and store location. Remember to attach this domain name to your gaming and web-hosting service. Some suitable examples of domains you could use are;

  • .com
  • .net
  • .org

It should also be something attractive, clear, and simple. We have even discovered that the most preferred domain name provider is GoDaddy for its 99% uptime rate. Besides, picking such a name won’t cost you a dime.

Pick a Good WordPress Platform!

In past years, coming up with a simple gaming website was somewhat difficult. During this time, HTML coding was the most preferred option. However, it’s editing, updating, and conducting day to day business affairs were not easy. Fortunately, since then, things have drastically changed and it’s all down to the emergence of WordPress.

  • It’s completely free – Now, creating your WordPress website is not only easy but also saves you a good chunk of money in the process.
  • Completely compatible with your mobile devices Feel free to develop exciting content, proofread, and receive the latest news on your portable device.
  • Highly flexible – WordPress comes with a unique set up that’s compatible with any video gaming website. Installing widgets and plugins to boost its services has never been easier.
  • The most ideal for beginners A WordPress gaming website is uncomplicated both for experienced web users and beginners. Over the years, it’s attracted a large number of interested visitors especially those who are familiar with Microsoft services.

If you are still not convinced with using WordPress, then you must look at these comparisons:

  • Blogger vs WordPress: Which one is the Best?
  • 22 Reasons why we should build a website with WordPress over HTML

Installing Your Gaming Website Using WordPress

With the amazing perks that come with WordPress and the simplicity of choosing a domain name and web hosting service, you can now install it on your pc or mobile gaming platform. With these 4 easy steps, you’ll have no problem doing so. They are;

  1. Download the latest website version on
  2. Using FTP, upload all files to the webserver.
  3. Have a WordPress database, preferably MySQL
  4. Confirm that you’ve followed all the processes of installation.

Although it takes only a few basic clicks to download a WordPress gaming website, having an experienced programmer to guide you through will ensure nothing goes wrong. Remember that, as a beginner, there are certain challenges which only knowledgeable individuals in this field can help. There’s simply no reason for you to get stuck!

To help you with this process we have hand-picked some guides for you:

  • Cloudways Review: How this performance Optimized Hosting will help you?
  • Cloudways Promo Code: Get 20% off on your first Invoice
  • How to create a WordPress website with GoDaddy Domain and Cloudways Hosting?

10 Amazing Gaming Website Themes to Pick Out From

The main reason why we love using WordPress is its impressive collection of themes. When creating a gaming site here, you have a couple of interesting options to choose from. Here, we’re going to prescribe 10 captivating themes that are effective when used on any gaming platform.

1) Overworld

Overworld is one of the coolest WordPress Gaming Theme. It helps you create an esports website. The theme lets you create a team, match, and tournaments, and you can showcase all them on your website.

The theme has got gaming elements like,

  • Single Match Result Showcase
  • Tournament Match List
  • Stream box to feature your gaming experience

It has also got custom gaming blog layouts and eCommerce features to help you sell gaming products.

Download Theme

2) YouPlay

Do you love fancy themes? If so, then you need to check out YouPlay. This is an amazing theme with an impeccable design that works brilliantly for not only gaming websites but also news headlines or posts.

That said, it’s not advisable to use it in small gaming sites but works tremendously if you have a team or a well laid out publishing routine.

Download Theme

3) GameAddict

Do you want to give your online gaming platform a gorgeous look? Here’s one of those gaming website themes that will help you achieve this. It has loads of breathtaking features that you could use for various purposes. With it, you can, organize matches, host tournaments, and even integrate it with bbPress services (if you want to).

Download Theme

4) Blackfyre

Here’s another theme that works brilliantly in any WordPress gaming site. Some of its most impressive features include giving you access to the best gaming communities, checking and organizing fights together with establishing clans. Also enjoy complete administration control, unlimited colors, and cross-browser compatibility.

This template also comes with an impressive support forum where you can communicate with interested gamers. Here, you can listen and respond to their needs plus it’s a quick way to relay important information. Other extensive options are;

  • Footer and blog options
  • SEO and options for social media
  • Uploading of background themes and more.

Download Theme

5) PlayerX

This gaming website theme comes with a remarkable design full of high-resolution features to attract new visitors. Some of the things you will find include social icons, a custom logo, and a menu bar. It’s suitable for gaming reviews and magazines together with organizing gaming communities like eSports tournaments.

Download Theme

6) Pokemania

Here is another fantastic theme when creating a video gaming website. It has a simple navigation process and has a uniquely laid out widget system. You can perform a few basic functions such as;

  • Adding popular articles
  • Newsletter signups
  • Including featured stories together with their widgets
  • Changing fonts and colors.

It also has an attractive gaming clan website design and is fully SEO optimized. Lastly, it’s a clean coding system and performance features help it to load fast, saving you a sufficient amount of time.

Download Theme

7) Godlike

Do you need a standout gaming website theme? Just like its name goes, Godlike ‘rewards’ you with powerful and reliable tools. Get soaked into its rich gaming mood by using its seamless features like visual plugin composers. Also, its aesthetic look makes it one of the best options for a WordPress gaming website.

Download Theme

8) Chosen Gamer

This is a seamless theme option, suitable for gaming sites. It has an aesthetic look capped together with premium upgrades that should suit your interests. It’s arguably the best gaming website theme option for those who want to open a small review online platform or basic online gaming magazine.

Download Theme

9) Cloux

Cloux theme is mainly suitable for,

  • Gaming Blog
  • Gaming Community
  • Game Companies
  • Game Listing Sites
  • Game Review Sites
  • Game Shop sites, etc

It has got every element that an eSport website would have. It’s advanced Review features, AJAX search bar, listing, and layouts give a professional look for a gaming website.

Download Theme

10) CrystalSkull

Closing our best WordPress gaming theme list is CrystalSkull. With this beautiful template, you can use to show your expertise as well as publish gaming reviews. Other effective functions are creating your shop, building forums, and writing reviews. It’s something that gives gamers a reason to stay and even purchase from your site.

Download Theme

Amazing WordPress Gaming Plugins

Now, that you know how to make your own gaming website with WordPress, what next is there to do? Well, it’s simple; it’s time to transform it into an online gaming ‘superstar’.

You’ll be amazed at how choosing some amazing plugins can transform your website. Engaged users will remain on the gaming site for long periods. Here are some suitable examples of catchy plugins to use.

1) MyArcadePlugin

Once you’ve navigated your way through its quick process of installation, all that’s left is to choose where to post your flash games. That said, it’s worth mentioning that its free version comes has one or two limitations. However, once you choose to buy it, your website will get access to more than 12 separate gaming distributors. Big fish and spill games are just some of the exciting gaming examples.

Download Plugin

2) CTL Arcade

This single plugin will let you turn your WordPress website into a complete Arcade Game platform. This plugin is compatible with over 200 arcade games. This plugin also lets you add ad banners in between each game and helps you monetize your website.

The plugin by default has got Minesweeper only. All the rest of the games are sold separately. Some of the popular games include

  • Rummy
  • Bingo
  • Rugby Rush
  • Pinball
  • Car Rush
  • Rock Paper Scissor
  • Cricket Batter Challenge
  • Cake Design
  • Pizza Party
  • Tic Tac Toc, etc

Download Plugin

3) WP Shuffle Puzzle

This is a plugin full of simplicity making it one of the most unique plugins for any optic gaming website. It breaks your website’s images into small pieces and shuffles them around with a single piece missing. Some even prefer to include timers just to make the video game more interesting or challenging.

Here, you’re free to choose customizable puzzles by selecting gaming piece numbers or changing the site’s background colors. This is plugin is also highly responsive and can easily translate into different on-screen sizes.

Download Plugin

Make Your WordPress Website Fully SEO Optimized

Many gaming website builders or gaming developers want their site to be the first on most, if not all, internet search results. To do so, follow some basic steps like using the Yoast plugin to make your gaming platform appear highly in Google, Bing, or Amazon search results.

This tool will also require the use of relevant keywords as it analyses their frequency of occurrence in gaming articles. More SEO resources to help you with,

  • How to install Google Analytics to WordPress?
  • How to submit your website to Google Search Console
  • How to increase Website Speed in 2020?
  • Ultimate WordPress SEO Guide for Boosting Organic Traffic in 2020
  • 6 Effective Ways to Reduce Bounce Rate on your website
  • 10 Link Building Strategies you can use to improve Domain Authority (DA)

Things to Remember When Setting Up a Gaming Website Using WordPress

Of course, there is a lot to keep in mind when it comes to creating the best gaming pc website on WordPress. That said, we’ve found some 5 basic processes that you should know if you consider yourself a gaming site builder. Above all, they will help you to create and even market your website.

Most importantly, you will have the much-needed infrastructure and location to launch other gaming site platforms of your choosing. They are as follows;

  1. Learning how to pick out the best domain name
  2. Getting a suitable web hosting service
  3. Choosing the most ideal template
  4. Deciding on how you want to Customize your website
  5. Lastly, remember to use all the amazing plugins left at your disposal.


Above is all the information you will require when it comes to setting up an attractive, user-friendly, and fully customizable gaming site on WordPress. However, remember to take as much time as you need to avoid creating an error-filled platform that will only turn your audience against you. Lastly, seek expert advice if you come across certain challenges in this implementation process.

Now tell us, are there challenges you’ve encountered and how did you get passed them? Do you also have WordPress themes that you would like to share with us? We’ll be waiting for your thoughts and professional comments below!

Note: This Guide on How to Make a Gaming Website with WordPress was contributed by Thomas Quarry. If you have an interesting guide to contribute, then check our Guest Blogging Guidelines.

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