How To Lose Weight Naturally - 9 Dietary Adjustments For Weight Loss

By Vicknesh @wellhealthblog
When trying to lose weight it's easy to get caught up in a cycle of weight loss > weight gain > weight loss > weight gain, and so the cycle continues. This is usually because you pursue a diet and fitness regimen which is simply outside of your comfort zone.Going from one extreme to the other in a mad bid to lose weight is not the best strategy. Firstly, the body responds best to gradual changes. Secondly, if you aren't comfortable with a diet and fitness regimen then you're not going to sustain it. That's why today you're going to learn how to make small dietary and lifestyle adjustments that can have a big impact.How to Lose Weight NaturallyCalorie CountingIf you're going to successfully lose weight then you need to burn more calories than you consume - period. Use a spreadsheet to make a list of the foods in your diet and then determine your average weekly consumption of calories pertaining to each food. Doing this will help you better determine the sneaky high calorie foods that may be hindering your weight loss efforts.Cook Your OwnSourcing, preparing and cooking meals from fresh ingredients is the best way to ensure you have full control over your diet. Ready-made, convenience foods are loaded with additives, preservatives, flavorings and an abundance of other nasty chemicals. Avoid this trap and ensure your body is properly nourished by sourcing fresh produce and preparing your meals from scratch.More Fruits & VegetablesFresh produce should make up a large part of your diet. You should add at least two servings of vegetables with each meal, or perhaps a healthy portion of salad. Also, incorporate a healthy amount of the nutrient rich dark green veggies into your diet. Finally, aim for two servings of fruit daily, replacing snaky type foods for fresh fruits.Reduce Fat IntakeIf you follow through on switching processed convenience foods in place of freshly prepared meals then you'll naturally achieve this. However, be mindful of the unhealthy fats in your diet and try to reduce them as best you can. Switch to low-fat milk, cut fat off meat before cooking, use butter sparingly, use less oil in cooking, use olive oil, these are great examples of ways you can cut fat out of your diet.Eat SlowerWhen you eat to quickly, you tend to over eat as the body doesn't have enough time to signal the brain that you've had adequate food intake. Slow down at meals to better prevent this, put down your cutlery between bites, incorporate chewy foods into meals, and generally strive to be more mindful of the rate at which you consume food.Manage Portion SizesPortion sizes are generally way too big! It's easy to get stuck in to a meal and clear your plate without even realizing you're over-eating, this is particularly true of you tend to eat fast. Consider using smaller dinner plates, and consume a full glass of water prior to sitting down to big meals as this will help your body signal the brain that you're full.Drink More WaterWater is without a doubt your no.1 weapon for weight loss and healthy living. It contains zero calories and helps to cleanse the body of toxins. You should switch all sugary, processed carbonated beverages for water for an instant impact on your diet healthy living plan.Get Some ExerciseThe term exercise can often leave people with images of having to endure punishing workout regimens yet it really needn't be like this! In fact, it's important to only work to fitness levels you're comfortable with so you can get a routine going. Start by walking and build up from there. It's not about how much you do in one sitting but rather consistency.Manage StressStress can affect your weight more than you'd imagine. In particular, the stress hormone cortisol is directly linked to excessive abdominal fat which is the most dangerous type of fat accumulation. Managing your stress will prevent stress hormones being over-stimulated, and can also help curb binge eating as some people turn to comfort foods when feeling down or pressured.
Author:Patrick Joseph Cullen