We all want to look our best, but it's generally accepted that we'll have to suffer in one way or another. This could be by putting ourselves through physical, mental, or emotional pain. While we may end up looking a little better than we did before, we'll have experienced our fair share of suffering. But what if there was a way to get to your best without the added factor of pain? Well, perhaps there is. Below, we take a look at a few tried and tested tips for those pain-free beauty-boosters.
The best way to get yourself into shape and to look your best is to get yourself into the gym multiple times a week. If you spend an hour in the gym each time, then you'll be on your way to looking your best. Alas, there is, of course, a downside. Gyms can be a little boring, which means you'll have to experience mental pain if you're going to push through, and they can also be painful, as you'll quickly find out the day after your first trip. Instead of visiting the gym, look at finding a physical activity that you enjoy. You'll find that it's much easier to put the hours into getting fit when you're doing something that you fundamentally enjoy.
If you're going to look and feel at your best, then you'll have to endure the time-consuming and often painful act of removing hair from various parts of your body. Not only is this painfully lengthy, but it's also just painful - but alas, there's no way to get around it if you want to look your best. That hair has to go. However, there are more efficient and painless ways to go about it. Wax will take care of the time factor, especially since the results will last longer. Just be sure that you're using numbing cream so that the pain of the wax is kept to a minimum. Forget what you've been told - hair removal does not need to be painful!
Everyone looks that little bit better when they're well-tanned with a healthy glow. However, unless you're going about things safely, then you might find that you end up in more pain than you expected. The longer that you lie out in the sun, the more at risk you'll be to suffer from sunburn. Not only is this painful, but it also poses long-term health risks. Instead, be sure to tan safely. You should gently expose your skin to the sun for 15 minutes at a time, and always avoid being outside during the hottest parts of the day.
Finally, be sure to avoid causing yourself unnecessary emotional pain. It's important that you're accepting your looks, rather than beating yourself up because you're failing to live up to standards that can only be considered unrealistic. Coming to terms with your looks does take time, especially if you've historically had issues, but it's a journey worth making.