How To Look Younger In Just 9 Steps?

Posted on the 18 March 2014 by Mirjana Gjorevska
 Incredible, but true! I will discover you some secrets of beauty that famousmakeup artistsuse for their clients in the next several steps. Spendonly5minutesreadingandbeautifiedyourself inthe next 10
Nuancedbasis forface   Somewomenmake the mistake ofputtingtoo muchmakeupjust tolook younger, and actuallygetthe opposite effect. Instead, apply a nuancedbasis for faceonyour cheeksand forehead! Your skin willimmediatelylooktighterandcomplexionwillbesmooth.
Correctorfor eye circles
   The mainculpritformaturewomento lookolderare those darkshadowsunder their eyes. Useconcealertohiderelaxedskinand darkeye circles
Putmascaraand highlighteyes   Thisis the most importantthing thatyou shoulddo tolookyounger.Drawyour eyes witheyepencilandplacemascara on thelashesHuge amount of mascara
Dress that follows the line of the body
  Many women in some older years stop taking care of their clothes and therefore they look older. Before going out choose clothing that fits the shape of your body and you will look younger and more beautiful.

Remove hair from your face 


 Would it be whitening, epilation or plucking, the choice is yours! Just remove facial hair. Here goes and shaping eyebrows.

Change yourhairstyle   You cancreatethe illusion oflookingyoungerwithchanging your hairstyleandnotbeafraidtotrysomethingnew.
Face mask

  If you're one of those types of women who find it difficult to highlight the eyes, then the solution for you is a face mask. First, make a scrub to open your pores, then apply the mask. Finally, enjoy.

Lipsticks in lighter colors   Dark lipsticks highlight problematic areas of the face. So use those pastel colors.

   The last, but alsothe most importantisyour smile! Itis a powerful weapon! Laughingwomen lookcheerful, and thereforemuchyounger.

EXTRA: Makeuptipsformoms: fresh, neutrallookforjust5minutes

  Being a mother is a difficult task. Often mothers do not have enough time for themselves, especially those who have babies, so when they need to go somewhere, they barely found time to throw a nice piece of clothing on them. In such a situation, for the makeup often we cannot even speak, but with these simple steps, for just 5 minutes you can make a neutral makeup and give new life to your tired face.

Step 1: Basis

  Apply powder foundation to the entire face and wait half a minute to be soaked by the skin. If you do not use classical base, you can replace it with a mild daily face cream.
Step 2: Corrector
  Corrector for eye circles is something that every mother needs, especially those who have babies. When choosing a corrector color, look for it to be most similar to your skin’s color. Apply one line under the eyes, then slowly with one finger spread it into the area under the eyes.
Step 3: Liquid powder
  The same rule applies for powder, watch hue to be most similar to the color of your skin. Put a little on both hands and drip all over your face. Make sure to avoid lines on the edges of the face, because it looks very messy.
Step 4: Blush
  To achieve a fresh look, choose a blush with a pale pink color. With a brush, apply it on the cheeks, but not too high. Apply lipstick or lip balm with the same color. The effect will be stunning.
Step 5: Mascara
  To complete your look, the last thing you should do is to highlight the lashes with mascara. Buy distinctively black mascara for better effect and in just three moves you are ready to go out.