How to Look Stylish Yet Be Comfortable, Practical, Attractive and Interesting

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

Today, I want to address a question from reader, who seeks guidance on combining practicality, attractiveness, and vibrancy in her outfits. She wonders how to look comfortably stylish, interesting but not crazy, and vibrant without appearing too over the top. While these goals may seem contradictory, I firmly believe that practicality, comfort, and attractiveness are not mutually exclusive. Let's explore how to achieve this balance and express your unique style.

Defining Comfort, Attractiveness, and Practicality

Before we embark on the journey of creating the perfect outfit, it's crucial to define what comfort, attractiveness, and practicality mean to you personally. Comfort goes beyond physical ease of movement; it's about how you feel in your clothes. For some, comfort may involve stretchy fabrics that allow freedom of movement, while for others, it may be looser cuts that provide a relaxed fit. On a deeper level, mental comfort plays a significant role. It's about ensuring that your outfit reflects your true self and resonates with your sense of self-expression. This could mean embracing bold and vibrant colors or opting for minimalist and understated elegance, depending on your personal style and mood.

Attractiveness, like comfort, is a subjective concept. What you find visually appealing may differ from others. To explore and discover your unique sense of attractiveness, utilize platforms like Pinterest and Instagram. These visual platforms offer a vast array of outfit ideas, fashion inspiration, and style influencers. As you browse through these images, take note of the outfits that catch your eye and resonate with you on a deeper level. Pay attention to the colors, patterns, silhouettes, and overall aesthetic that speak to your personal taste. By curating a collection of visually attractive outfits, you can start to identify patterns and preferences that define your own unique style.

Practicality is another crucial aspect to consider when crafting your ideal outfit. It's about finding a balance between style and functionality that suit your lifestyle and daily activities. Think about the contexts you navigate regularly. Are you a busy professional, a student constantly on the move, or someone who enjoys an active lifestyle? Each of these scenarios calls for different practical considerations. For example, if you're a professional, you may need to prioritize more structured and polished pieces that exude a sense of authority and competence. On the other hand, if you're an active individual without the constraints of a professional office environment, your outfits may need to accommodate flexibility, durability, and breathability.

Combining the Elements

Let go of the misconception that comfortable means sacrificing style, or practicality implies unattractiveness. These elements are not mutually exclusive; in fact, they can harmoniously coexist. Even if you find yourself engaged in physical tasks like gardening or painting, you can still prioritize both comfort and attractiveness in your clothing choices.

By choosing clothing that flatters your body shape and enhances your silhouette, you can effortlessly blend comfort and style.

  • Instead of settling for worn-out, saggy garments, opt for well-fitting stretchy jeans or pants that allow you to move freely while maintaining a polished appearance.
  • Consider incorporating a non-boring t-shirt into your outfit that not only provides comfort but also excites you. Wearing patterns and designs that resonate with you will elevate a simple t-shirt from basic to extraordinary.
  • Experiment with different necklines, such as V-necks, scoop necks, or boat necks, to find the one that best complements your facial features and accentuates your assets. Check out my post on how to choose necklines for tips to help you find the most flattering ones. These subtle details can make a significant difference in how you feel and how others perceive you.

If you want to take it one step further, take a selfie before you run out the door and save the photo for easy future reference. Taking an outfit photograph is a powerful tool to help you really see how your clothes and accessories look on you. Taking a photo helps you be more objective so you can see if the colours are working, the contrast is right, the fit is good, the shapes are flattering, the proportions balanced etc. Plus the benefit of having a photographic record means that you can file it away if you love the outit and can repeat it another time when you're pressed for time and need a go-to outfit that you know works.

Striking a Balance

To achieve an interesting yet not overly eccentric style, and to add vibrancy without appearing too much, it's essential to find your personal threshold. Pinterest is a wonderful resource for exploring vibrant outfits and how far you want to take that vibrancy in your outfit. What may be considered over-the-top to one person might be excitingly unique to another. Find what resonates with you and aligns with your personality.

Think about:

  • Colours
  • Styles
  • Patterns and Prints
  • Fabrics - weight, texture, sheen, movement

Identify with each of these elements that speak to you and that you want to incorporate, and what you don't want as well.

Experiment with prints, patterns, colors, and accessories to add that touch of interest without compromising your overall style. Remember, your style is an expression of who you are, and finding that balance is a personal journey.

Discovering Your Style

To truly achieve a wardrobe that blends practicality, attractiveness, and vibrancy, it's crucial to define your personal style. This involves understanding how you want to be perceived and what works best for you. Your style should reflect your personality. If you're interested in learning more about your style, then 7 Steps to Style will give you the tools to become more stylish. It's the in-depth training course that will give you the information you need. Style is both an art and a science and with the right knowledge, you can confidently curate a wardrobe that embodies your unique identity.

Further Reading

How to Combine Clothes and Accessories Harmoniously and Interestingly
How To Combine What You Like With What Suits You
How to Use Your Personality to Create Stylish Outfits When You Have a Very Practical Lifestyle
8 Top Tips for Combining a Classic Dressing Style with Practical Lifestyle Needs