How to Look Smart When You Prefer to Dress Relaxed

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport
Natural in a Classic environment by imogenl featuring wool pants

Hi Imogen,
I have a question about the relationship between the individual style and dress codes. My personal style is more on the Natural side and I often scratch my head how to coordinate it with the dress codes associated with more traditional settings or more formal situations. By its very nature, Natural Clothing Personality has the elements that are best suited for the relaxed dress code situations. How can these two categories interact?
Thank you

If you think about the elements of what makes a more classic/formal dress code, and take those elements but translate them into more relaxed fabrics (comfortable), you are already most of the way there.  You will find if you read this post How to Lose the Suit and Still Command Attention you will get some great tips.

Other posts to help you upgrade your natural and relaxed clothing:

How to be stylish and comfortable

How to add glamour to your every day outfits

How to dress up your casual clothes

How to take your outfit from casual to dressy

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