How to Look Modern, Sophisticated and Stylish as You Age

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

Following on from our video on the subject of ageing and style, we were asked by a reader to discuss the topic of 'age and staying classy' particularly when stores offer so many clothes that are more appropriate for a youth market.

Jill Chivers of Shop Your Wardrobe and I discuss how sophistication is more relevant and achievable for the more mature person.

How to Have a More Sophisticated Style

  • Find fabrics that stand the test of time and are more refined that will add sophistication.
  • Elements of design that are appropriate for the very young versus the more mature, such as frills which appear regularly on children's clothing
  • Styles of prints and patterns that are more stylised, for example, florals are available for all ages and stages, but how they are expressed can make a garment look younger or more sophisticated.
  • Expressing the boldness and confidence of maturity, as you no longer feel that you have to please everyone around you as you grow into who you are
  • Expressing your personality through your dress rather than dressing to be someone else (or to please others primarily)
  • Embracing you as you age

Jill mentions the book The Art of Dress and talks about how it impacted her thoughts on age and style.

How have you found your style change with age?

One of the common issues which we mentioned in a previous video is dealing with the body shape changes that occur with age and often we have to learn to dress a whole new body shape, learn new style 'rules' and guidelines and adjust our expectations of how we will look.

Plus personality changes and lifestyle aspects also change our wardrobe needs. We continue to grow and change our entire lives and it's never to late to learn what will work for you now (rather than last week, month, year or decade) and the reason I wrote my 7 Steps to Style program, to help you understand what really works for you today!

Want more tips on Style and Aging?

When is it Time to Let Go of the Trends You Love?
My Style Philosophy - Rules are Made to Be Broken
7 Easy Ways to Dressing Youthfully but Not Too Young
Stylish Thoughts - Style Crone
Why Cover Bands Don't Change the World
Is Your Wardrobe Ageing You?
Understanding Undertone and Ageing - Warm to Cool
How Your Colouring Changes as You Age