How to Lay New Sod? Easy Step by Step Guide

Posted on the 07 February 2021 by Abjadoon

A new and fresh lawn is lovable by everybody, especially for those fond of the lawn transformation. Creating a new property or renew the older one requires hard work and dedication. There are two unique methods to do this. One is to seed the lawn, and the other is to lay a readymade sod.

This article will guide you about the easiest way to lay new sod on your lawn.

Steps to Lay New Sod

If you are planning to lay new sod on your lawn, then you are thinking correctly. This way is better than seeding because it takes almost no time for your lawn to look vigorous and green. Indeed, it shows miraculous results. On the other hand, seeding your lawn will restrict you from walking on the property for a long time, you may not enjoy tea on your lawn, not be able to play games with your family, your kids & dogs will not be allowed to have fun in the lawn for weeks after your lawn is seeded.

Moreover, you will require a large amount of water to nourish the seeds after being put in the soil and arrange water from other sources if you are restricted to using water by the municipal authorities.

Without any further explanation, let's move towards the steps to lay new sod.

Prepare your lawn:

Sodding is most comfortable during the fall and spring seasons. As it is readymade, so there is no need to wait for the growing season to lay new sod. The first thing you have to do is to prepare your yard for the whole process. If you skip this step, especially if you have a thin lawn, you will not see the expected results.

You can set the area by killing all the old turf using different tools like spade and rake. These tools are used to clear and scratch the lawn surface for any dead grass, debris, and dirt. You can also use a front tine tiller machine to have a more significant property that needs to be prepared for sodding. By using a tiller, your time will be saved and work will be done quickly.

Have the sod ready:

You can get sod from any nearby nursery, ideally, on the day you need to lay it. Always remember that the sod must be laid within 24 hours after it is delivered to you by the seller. If you have got the sod, a night before the laying, just keep it moist till you use it on your lawn. Do not soak the sod as it will become heavier to carry while laying and can be damaged.

Start the installation:

Once your lawn is entirely dead and the sod is ready in your hand, it's time to start the installation. Always start from the lawn's longest side and move in straight rows covering all the parts correctly. You can also hire a professional to do this for you, but it can also be done by yourself very quickly.

Sod comes in the form of strips so it is essential to lay it equally along the sides, walkways, and lawn's boundaries & cuts. Use only a well-sharpened knife to cut the sod strips according to the shape of the property. You can also use your sharpened kitchen knife for cutting, but it will not be serviceable for any other task.

Keep in mind that the sod strips do not overlap, so you must install every strip carefully to make it look nice & even. By keeping the sod strips well-aligned, your lawn will not have grown weeds in between the strips.



Once the sod is laid down evenly, then there is a need to press it a little to make it come in contact with the soil. There are two ways of pressing the newly laid sod, one is to walk on it for some time, and the other way is to rent a good quality roller from any nearby rental center. It depends on your lawn size that it could be done manually, or you must get a roller for pressing.


Another thing you must do after laying the sod is to water it with sprinklers' help. Set the new sprinkler system and the sod lying; it would be more convenient for you to do both these tasks altogether. A new lawn must be watered once daily for the first week, every other day in the second week, and from the third week, watering depends upon your region's weather conditions.


When you observe that the grass is up to 3 inches high, it is time to mow your lawn for the first time after the new sod installation.

It is expected that you must be pretty much aware of the most comfortable procedure of laying new sod on your lawn. We are anxiously waiting for your stories of lawn transformations and sod laying. Feel free to share your experiences with us!