How To Lay A Carpet On Your Floor?

Posted on the 05 November 2019 by Tracy Ashley @stella_jea

How To Lay A Carpet On Your Floor?

Carpet laying is a simple process. You should follow some certain steps to install on the floor. In Perth, many companies offer advanced carpet laying services at a low cost. If you want to install the carpet at your home then follow the article properly.

Clean the Floor: Before starting the carpet laying operation, you need to clean the entire floor by using a vacuum cleaner. Vacuuming helps to eliminate the surface dust properly. After vacuuming mop the floor by using a moper. Then wait for drying.

Measure the Floor: Once the floor is perfectly cleaned, you need to measure the length & width of the floor with the help of measuring. The measuring data should be recorded on the paper. After that, you need to find the actual area by using the measuring length & width. Once you have estimated the area, you need to buy the carpet & padding.

Install the Tack Strips: Now you have to start the operation. At first, you have to install the tack strips 0.25 to 0.45 inches always from your wall. Always remember 2 nails are required for one strip. Insert the nails properly by using a hammer. After that, you should cut the excess strips with the help of a handsaw.

Place the Padding: In this step, firstly you need to roll out the carpet padding and then start placing it from the one corner of the floor. After that, install it properly with the help of a staple gun. Now, you have to cut the extra padding by using a cutter. Now, attach each piece of padding by using duct tape.

Lay the Carpet: Once you have installed padding on the floor, you need to lay down the carpet on it. So, at first, you need to roll the carpet out and cut it by maintaining size. Now, start laying the carpet from one corner of the floor. You have to place every piece of carpet properly. After that, you need to place a tape underneath carpet seams and then place the seam on the tape. Now, set the seaming iron and then heat the seaming tape properly.

Stretch the Carpet: Now, you have to seal every carpet seam by using a roller and then stretch the carpet with the help of a knee kicker. Check every corner of the carpet and trim the excess parts by using a carpet trimmer.

In this way, a carpet is installed on the floor. Carpet laying generally involves some simple steps. You just need to know the using of right carpeting techniques and tools such as seaming iron, knee kicker etc.

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