How to Know Sandy Hook Guide Predated Massacre – Technical Discussion

Posted on the 27 January 2013 by Eowyn @DrEowyn

For Techies Only!

This thread is a continuation of the January 26 post, “How we know a guide on counseling children about Sandy Hook predated the massacre.

Peter, the author of “How we know a guide….,” will continue to make his case with “Exhibits” on some highly technical aspects of “How we know….”

If you write a comment, please refer to the particular Exhibit to which you’re addressing, as in “re. Exhibit #1″ or “re. Exhibit #2.”

Peter will present his case as a prosecutor at a criminal trial. Let’s call it “The People v. Crisis Management Institute-Arlington Red Devils.” Below is his “Opening Statement.” I will be adding his Exhibits, as he writes them.



The People v. Crisis Management Institute-Arlington Red Devils

So that I can place all the information I have for you to consider here in an orderly fashion I will present it in the fashion of a prosecutor in a criminal trial.

At the start of a Criminal Trial the Prosecutor makes a statement explaining what the Crime consists of, who he thinks is the criminal, and outlines how he intends to provide evidence showing that his case is accurate.


On December 14, 2012 there was a School Shooting Incident at the Sandy Hook School. Some days after the actual shootings, Documents 1, 2 & 3 in “How we know a guide on counseling children about Sandy Hook predated the massacre were found on the Internet. We will examine all 3 very closely to determine how they came to exist.

Documents 1 & 2 were found in Google’s Webcache, a place that records all public documents Google finds on the Internet.

Document 3 was found using the Google search engine.

The published dates displayed on all three documents predate the events of Dec 14, 2012.

Document 1 shows Dec 10, 2012, Documents 2 & 3 show December 13, 2012.

Our task here is to examine and present all the evidence available to us in order to determine whether the documents originated before or after Dec 14th, 2012.

The process will have 3 stages.

1. Determine if there is enough evidence to proceed with this investigation. If there is not enough evidence stop here. If there is enough evidence go on to stage 2.

2. Determine the date the documents were created. If the document are shown to originate after the events stop here. If the documents are shown to predate the actual event proceed to Stage 3

3. Determine who is responsible for creating Documents 1, 2 & 3 as they appear within Google’s servers.

If it is proven the documents did originate before Dec 14, 2012, it means that someone had foreknowledge and it was likely a massive preplanned event rather than a random shooting caused by a deranged individual.

Determining who falsified the documents will point to the guilty party by determining who had the access required to change them and also who had a motive to change them.