How To Know If You Have Termite Bites

Posted on the 29 April 2022 by Tunafishcharlie

Termites are small bugs that consume wood and can cause thousands of dollars in damage to homes if they are not exterminated by professionals. Though termites’ main diet is wood, they rarely bite humans as well. Here’s how to know if you have termite bites or if it’s some other bug that’s biting you.
What To Know About Termite Bites
If you have bites on your body, it’s unlikely that they’re termite bites. Termites keep pretty busy eating up all the wood they can find (at your home’s expense!). Most termites also have very tiny jaws, which makes it difficult for them to get a good hold on human skin. If you’re experiencing bug bites, they’re probably due to some other type of bug.
However, there are some types of termites that can bite anything they deem a threat. Soldier termites are one such type of termite. They possess larger heads and bulkier jaws than some other types of termites. However, even though they can bite humans, this doesn’t mean they choose to do so. Bites from soldier termites are still extremely rare.
How To Tell if It’s a Termite Bite
Most bug bites have fairly similar symptoms. They often cause skin irritation and bumps that may be:
  • Itchy
  • Painful
  • Raised and inflamed
  • Irritated
  • Red in color

These symptoms describe many different types of bug bites, including termite bites. So how can you tell if you’re dealing with termite bites instead of some other type of bug bite? The best way is to try to rule out other types of bug bites. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to try to figure out what type of bug bite you have.
  1. Where were you when you were bitten? Were you located in a wooded area? You may have been bitten by a tick, mosquito or spider. Were you indoors, playing with a pet? Those bites could be from fleas. Were you bitten while you were asleep? You’re likely dealing with bedbugs. If you were near a wall or furniture that is infested by termites, you may be dealing with termite bites.
  2. Do you think you can locate the insect that bit you? If you noticed the pain from the bite right away, you may be able to locate the insect if you look carefully. If you’re in your house, you may need to remove clothing items to find the bug. Try to remove any clothing on a hard floor surface instead of a carpeted surface so you can easily see any bugs that fall out. If the bug in question looks like a small white ant, you have probably just been bitten by a termite.
  3. What size are the bites? Termite bites have been described by affected individuals as small red bumps. If your bites are larger, discolored or extremely inflamed, you may be dealing with a bite from a poisonous insect (such as a black widow or brown recluse) or a bee sting.

Get Rid of Termite Bites for Good
No one should have to deal with the discomfort of termite bites. Fortunately, you can get rid of the bugs by contacting Bug Ninja Pest Control. We’ll come out and take care of all your pest issues so you can live in peace.