The method of checking or confirming your Admission in those days cannot be compared to today's Method, everything has changed completely, before now to know if you have been admitted by your School of choice you will have to either check using newspaper or go to your school of Choice to confirm on the Admission list Board.
But in Current times, they have been introduction of JAMB CAPs i.e Central Admission Processing System.
Back to the Topic, You can now if you have been admitted by three ways
- By SMS notification
- By Email Notification
- Through JAMB Caps Portal/Website
JAMB will notify of your admission via the above stated means, Either through JAMB caps, SMS or Email Notification, Immediately you accept the admission, Jamb will forward your name to the school where you applied to study.
On JAMB Caps you will be given the Option of Accepting or Rejecting Admission, If you Accept the Admission you can't be admitted by another School of Choice for that same year, meaning your Admission window will be closed Automatically , but if you Reject the Admission you will be made available to the Market Place.
Note: None of these option is reverse-able so ensure to be very careful while visiting your JAMB CAPs Profile.
The Big Question to comes to mind is How can i Accept or Reject Admission on JAMB Caps? , Well, for those that are still not familiar with the Procedures of How to Accept or Reject Admission on JAMB CAPs simply Click for Guidelines.
Note : Ensure your email and phone number are functional. Do not forget the login details to your Jamb profile. Also, you are free to ask me any question using the comment box.
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