How to Know If Someone Blocked You On Instagram

Posted on the 01 May 2023 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

Instagram is one of the greatest social media platforms which allow the users to share and post pictures and videos. It is certainly emerging out as a giant in recent times. Amongst the many features of Instagram, there is one more feature which lets you block someone.

So, if you want to know if someone blocked you on Instagram or not then this article is for you. In this article, we will tell you how to know if someone blocked you on Instagram? So, let’s get started:

How to know if someone blocked you on Instagram?

Method 1: Hit and Trial method.

Instagram provides no such official method with which you can know if someone has blocked you on Instagram or not. However, you can certainly follow this hit and trial method in order to be aware of those folks who blocked you on Instagram.

For this, you will have to go to the suspect’s profile. If you are able to search for the desired profile through Instagram search field, then this is the very first indication that you are not blocked by the user.

Instagram states that if someone has blocked you on Instagram, then you are not granted permission to visit their profile through searching them through the search field.

If somehow, you are able to get into the profile of the suspect who might have blocked you on Instagram then follow the steps mentioned below in order to confirm it further.

If you have followed the suspect earlier and the follow button is still up for you, then this confirms indication that you might have been blocked by the user.

Now, once you have tapped on the follow button once again and nothing happened then, this is another indication that you are blocked by the user.

Alternatively, if the mentioned action works smoothly and the screen shows that you are now following the user then everything is alright, and you are not blocked by the user.
This way you can iterate this hit and trial method for each and every suspect.

Method 2: Using third-party services like Unfollowgram.

When a person blocks you on Instagram, as an immediate effect he/she automatically unfollows you.

This means that with the use of third-party services like unfollowgram which keeps a track of “who unfollows you on Instagram”, you can get a list of those folks who unfollowed you and might have blocked you. After this, you can apply the hit and trial method which will do the needful for you.

How to block someone on Instagram?

You might want to know how to block someone on Instagram? This way you can easily block the person who has blocked you on Instagram.

Step #1: As the very first step of this section, you have to open your Instagram application on your device. In order to do so, you will have to navigate for the Instagram app icon and then tap on it.

This will open the application for you. Once you are done with all this, then you are good to go to the next steps.

Step #2: Remember that you cannot block people through the Instagram website. You will have to use the Instagram app for the purpose. Additionally, you can block only one user at one time.

Now, you are required to open the profile which you want to block. You can either search using the username or get into the profile through the news feed.

Step #3: In this step, you have to locate for the menu button which is usually positioned at the upper right corner of the window.

If you are using Android, then the menu icon will look like three vertical dots, and if you are using iOS then the menu icon will look like an arrow coming out of the box. Once you have found so, then you need to tap on it.

This will open a dialog box for you with options. The very first option will be “Block User” and after tapping on it, you will be asked to confirm your action.

Remember, blocking an account on Instagram means that the corresponding users cannot search or view your Instagram profile and pictures. When you block someone on Instagram, the blocked person will not be notified of the same.

However, if you block someone on Instagram, and he/she mentions you, then it may still appear on your news feed. Also, blocking someone doesn’t mean that the likes and comments which he/she had made on your posts will disappear. They will exist. However, you can manually delete them.

[Additional Information]: How to Know Who Unfollowed You On Instagram?

In this section, we will tell you some methods with which you will be able to know who unfollowed you on Instagram. For this method, you will have to make use of third parties monitoring sites like Unfollowgram, Unfollowers or

All that you have to do is to create an account by registering on these sites and then link your Instagram account with these.

After this, they will generate a list of your followers and after this whenever you will check again for the unfollowers list, the site will compare your existing Instagram followers to the index which they had stored on their servers when you had first created the account.

The names which are missing will be displayed in front of you, and hence, you will have the list of unfollowers.

Final words.

This final words section brings us to the end of this tutorial cum guide on “How to know if someone blocked you on Instagram?” We hope that we were efficient enough to satisfy your curiosity about this topic.

We firmly believe that we have left no stone unturned while getting into the nitty-gritty of the topic and making you understand the entire concept of it.

But if you still have any query regarding “who blocked me on Instagram” then feel free to drop your query via comments below. We will try our level best to resolve that.

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Thank you for crossing by and giving it a read.