How to Know If Compression Socks Are Right For You

Posted on the 09 November 2019 by Tom Jamieson @tomjamieson_

Compression socks are useful in treatment or prevention of numerous medical issues. They help give support to blood vessels of the legs and increase blood flow to the body via compression. They come in different materials,weaves, and lengths depending what the individual will use them for, and the pressure levels vary. Compression socks in lower pressures are available over the counter. Higher compression levels are medical-grade and require prescriptions from a medical professional. Let's look at who can benefit from using compression socks.

Who Uses Compression Socks?

People choose or are prescribed compression socks by a medical professional for reasons such as:

  • Athletes wanting better blood flow for competition
  • People who have sedentary jobs
  • People who want to prevent blood clots
  • People with swelling or aching in the legs
  • People who travel via plane often
  • People recovering from surgery
  • People with varicose veins
  • People with lymphedema
  • Pregnant women

Compression stockings can help keep people safe. They can also improve quality of life by lessening swelling, and minimizing pain. Athletes may be able to compete better. Pregnant women's hearts won't work as hard, which takes less of a toll on their bodies. We've discussed reasons people can and do wear compression socks, let's take a look at the medical cases where it's not advisable to use them.

When Should Compression Socks Not Be Used?

When a person has certain medical issues, compression socks would be dangerous or problematic. Some people who should not wear compression socks include:

  • People with heart failure
  • People with oozing dermatitis
  • People with septic phletbitis
  • People with diabetic-induced peripheral neuropathy
  • People with peripheral obstructive arterial disease

These diseases could be exacerbated by wearing compression socks. Even in cases where it is advised to wear compression socks, people should take precautions. One example is that athletic forms should not be worn overnight as they are too tight and will hinder circulation. When compression socks are worn daily, it's important to know how many hours a day they are supposed to be worn. It's also important to know how to clean, put on, and care for the socks so they keep their therapeutic medical effects long term.

Right For You?

If you have diseases that can be helped by compression socks, you might wish to ask a medical professional if they recommend you to use them. These socks can be helpful in prevention and recovery. For anyone who wears them, it's important to be informed.

Tom James,