How to Keep Your Teeth Happy?

By Allyson3james


Do you want to keep your teeth pearly white? Doctors say how you brush your teeth is important than what you use to brush it. The fancy and expensive toothpastes do not guarantee better oral hygiene and dentists don’t really recommend one over the other.

World Oral Health Day is March 20 and it’s time to “Live Smart By Mouth”. Our choppers do more than helping us chow down as they help us to laugh, smile, talk- gestures we often take for granted.

The fluorides in toothpastes sticks to the teeth enamel and prevents the cavities, zinc removes the tarter and trciclosan has the antimicrobial function and prevents plaque.

To celebrate the healthy smiles and laugh across the globe, we put together some smart choices you can make for a lifetime of the dental health.

The right way to brush your teeth

Hold the toothbrush at a 45 degrees angle against your teeth and move it in small circular motion to clean each tooth. In order to remove the plague, gently flick the toothbrush from the gums to the biting edge of the teeth. Brush inside the surfaces of the teeth. Always remember to firmly and gently brush your tongue too so as to remove the bacteria.

Here are some tips to keep your teeth healthy

Brush twice daily

Brush your teeth every morning and night for two minute. You need only a pea-sized drop of toothpaste and not the amount shown in the television toothpaste advertisements.

Floss before going to bed

Floss your teeth regularly to clean the food particles and the plaque present in between the teeth. According to Dr. OP Kharbanda, Chief of Dental Centre at All India Institutes of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), the regular flossing is a vital part of oral hygiene and it is particularly necessary for the adults with gaps between the teeth. However, you should refrain from over flossing as they can damage the gums.

Both brushing and flossing are the most important step to keep your mouth healthy. Floss your teeth every day and brush them two times a day so as to take effective preventative measure against the gum diseases and the tooth decay.

Clean the tongue

It is not only important to clean your teeth but your tongue too so as to maintain good oral hygiene. As per Dr. Gagan Sabharwal, Consultant of Dental Sciences and Maxillofacial Surgeries at Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon, “Cleaning the tongue will get rid of the bacteria which are responsible for the bad breath that is the most common problems of people visiting the dental clinics. Also drinking loads of water will help with the problem of bad breath.”

Regular dental checkups are necessary

If something is wrong in your teeth, it will be obvious right? But it’s wrong! There are a lot of dental troubles which has no symptoms. Hence it is crucial to visit your dentist at least every six months to ensure that everything is in shipshape. Even the most skilled brusher and flossers miss the spots. Once the plaque hardens, it can only be removed with special tools used by the dental professionals.

Getting regular dental checkups at least once every year is important to maintain a healthy set of teeth. Dr. Sabharwal says. “Toothache prompts people to visit their dentist but by this time, their cavity has already eaten into the enamel and has also reached the nerves. Hence regular dental checkups help to detecting such problems early.”

Eat food that is less carcinogenic

Eating the right foods will not only keep your body but also your teeth healthy. According to doctors, you should stay away from foods high in sugar content and low in fiber content. Dr. Kharbanda says, “Consuming fibres is a good way to keep your teeth healthy. People should try to eat foods which are low in sugar and are closest to nature. As for example, if I have to choose between a fruit and a fruit juice, I would choose fruit.”

Stay away from coffee and tobacco

Smoking or chewing increases the risk of cavities and gum recession, which can make your teeth sensitive. Coffee and tobacco can also stain your teeth.

Useful facts to remember

  1. Use toothbrush with soft bristles which fits in your hand and can reach all areas comfortably.
  2. Replace your toothbrush regularly, most preferably every three months or when the bristles go out of shape.
  3. The fluoride-based toothpaste is good enough, you don’t need other additives.

You will get the detailed info here:

Things You Didn’t Know About Your Teeth

Teeth for Two: Oral Health During Pregnancy