How To Keep Your Blog Readers Interested In Your Blog?

Posted on the 17 January 2014 by Kharim Tomlinson @KharimTomlinson

If you take interest in your blog readers then they will take an interest in your blog as well. I and many other bloggers have proven this to be a fact.

Truth is, once you you have a good interaction with your blog readers and they take lots of interest in your blog then your blog will become successful.

In this blog post I will give you 5 tips on how you can get your blog readers to be interested in your blog.

Write The Highest Quality Blog Posts

When it comes to blogging, only the strong survives. This is the truth.

A blog that has been built up with high quality blog posts will be the talk of the town, or should I say the talk of the blogosphere.

As bloggers we need to realize that in order to keep our blog readers interested in our blog then we have to make it our aim to write the highest quality blog posts ever.

In today’s world people are so hard to please and they get bored easily. If your blog post is dull and boring then your blog readers will simply hit the back button on their browser, go to another blog or search through Google for something else.

Would you want that to be the case with your blog?

No I don’t think so.

You want a buzz to be created around your blog, so therefore writing high quality blog posts is a must.

How Do You Write High Quality Blog Posts?

First of all, lets get the understanding of what a high quality blog post is.

A high quality blog post is an article which is written with valuable information on a particular subject or matter. This article was well researched, put together and delivered in a way which will benefit those who read it. A high quality blog post is also written in paragraphs so that it makes reading easy.

That basically sums up what a high quality blog post is.

One perfect example is from Lisa Irby of

One thing that I notice with her is that she makes money online… Sorry I mean she knows how to write high quality blog posts.

Lisa wrote this article a few weeks ago: Why Your Blog is Getting Ignored And What To Do About It!

This article is amazing. In it she mentioned some valuable points on which you can use when writing blog posts if you want to generate a buzz around your blog.

After reading that post I came up with tons of great new ideas for writing blog posts, and this happens to be one of them. Big thanks goes out to Lisa Irby.

Her blog and entire website is awesome. You need to check her out!

Inspire And Motivate Your Blog Readers

Don’t just write blog posts to update your blog so that it doesn’t seem inactive.

What about your blog readers? Do you write articles with your blog readers in mind or do you write articles for SEO?

Well whatever the case may be when it comes to writing articles you should always keep your blog readers in mind. If you want your blog readers to keep a high interest in mind then be sure to inspire them.

You can inspire your blog readers by showing some of your monthly reports. I know many bloggers who does this and it helps to build inspiration inside of their blog readers.

Show your blog readers how well your blog is performing or (if you want) show how much your blog is earning. This will help to boost their inspiration level.

But don’t just stop there. Next you need to motivate them.

People perform well or much better when they are motivated. If you inspire them then motivating them should be an easy step.

Lets say you inspire your blog readers by the way you drive traffic to your blog, you can easily motivate them to take the same steps that you take in getting blog traffic.

If you inspire and motivate your blog readers to take action then they will keep a high interest in your blog and love the effort that you take into doing it.

Show Them The Person Behind The Blog

Most blog readers show interest in a blog when they get to interact with the blog owner. We are all humans and good communication is needed in order to have a good friendship.

If you have a blog, which I know you do because you have read the article come to this point, make sure that you have an about me page on your blog. Not only that but also have a photo of yourself on that page and a brief bio about you.

If you have a video camera then you can do videos as well so that your blog readers can see who you are.

Most people use social media and social networking sites. So what I do is have  a chat every now and then with my blog readers. Some of them ask questions pertaining to blogging. If I can’t answer them on the spot then I write a blog post and send the link to them.

This is a great way to also get traffic to your blog when you write an article with information that your blog readers need.

Don’t Force Away Your Blog Readers

One of the reasons why blogging is so popular is because bloggers make money blogging. This is quite natural in the blogging world.

New bloggers tend to make the mistake in monetizing their blog too quickly and often end up filling their blog with ads. If you really want to take keen interest in your blog readers then filling up your blog will just push them away.

We have to remember that our blog readers are here to read what we have written and if we scare them away then our chances of making money will disappear right in front our eyes.

Also we should not install too much unnecessary plugins our blogs as well because this will help our blog to move really slow. If your blog is hosted on free servers your blog will also load slow.

We all know how people are impatient now a days and if your blog is slow then it will get left behind.

What I have done in the past is use HostGator as my hosting. This helped to give my blog a better performance.

I also signed up for MaxCDN which allowed my blog to be super fast and also ease the stress off your hosting.

Have I Seen Improvements In My Blog?

Yes I have.

Since cutting back on the amount of ads on my blog and making my blog faster it helped me to interact more with my blog readers. Not only that but my earnings went up.

DID YOU READ: 16 Horrible Mistakes I Made While Blogging

Make Your Readers Feel Special

Most blogger readers are also bloggers themselves. Do you know what makes you feel good as a blogger?

Why not apply some sort of good treatment to your blog readers?

As for me what I do for my blog readers is give them dofollow backlinks. If you are in the top 5 commentator list then your link, avatar and also latest post link will be featured in the sidebar, thanks to the CommentLuv plugin.

I also host cash giveaways on a regular basis. If my blog makes extra money what I do is use a portion of it to host my giveaway. I love to give back to my readers who helped to make my blog a success.

In Conclusion…

Once you build up a relationship with your blog readers and getting them to love your blog, don’t just leave it there. Continue the friendship and this can go a long way.

Marketing will be easier because a trust for you will be established and that’s what is needed to make your blog successful. So always be sure to show interest in your blog readers and they will do the same for you.