How To Keep Up With The Latest Business Trends in a Flash

By Lisa @Lisapatb

No matter how established or successful your business is, it's important to keep up with trends in your industry.

Your customers need to see that you're up to date, you're modern, you're flexible and able to move with the times and change with the circumstances.

You should show your customers that you are willing to take risks and that you know what risks are worth taking.

So, how do you keep up with the latest trends so that you know what's going on and can stay ahead of the competition?

Follow Key People and Brands on Social Media

Social media is the place to be when it comes to trends, the memes are there first, the photo challenges and the reactions to the news on social media.

Sometimes you even find out the news on social media before you've looked on a reliable news outlet.

Last year TikTok came out of nowhere and now businesses know that if they want to reach a huge audience then they need to advertise on TikTok.

(But as always, research what audience is on each of the social media networks to see if it matches your audience.)

By following key people and influencers online, you'll know what's trending and what's not and what you can relate to your business.

(But as always, research what audience is on each of the social media networks to see if it matches your audience.) #socialmediamarketing Click To Tweet

Subscribe to Top Business Blogs

Find the most popular business blogs relevant to your business and make sure you subscribe to them. You don't necessarily have to read everything, but reading headlines can give you an idea of what's going on.

You can easily subscribe via their RSS feeds or newsletters.

Hence, if you subscribe to a number of them you'll see if they're all talking about the same thing.

Find the most popular business blogs relevant to your business and make sure you subscribe to them. #keepingrelevant Click To Tweet

Utilize Your Network to Keep Up With The Latest Business Trends

Ask questions to the people you know to find out about trends.

When you speak to people directly you can find out more information and real intel about the current trends.

And don't just ask one person, ask several! You could do a survey or poll on your favorite social media network.

How often do you take #polls here on Twitter or on other social media? 🤔

- Lisa Sicard 👩‍💻🙂💭 (@Lisapatb) January 8, 2021

Use Your Analytical Tools

If you look at your analytics you can sometimes find the trends before anyone else does.

Use tools such as Google Trends, google analytics, and your social media analytics and you might find yourself way ahead of the game.

Google Trends is a great tool to know what is being said the most on the web on a topic and what the rising topics are related to it. Now, that's invaluable information!

How do Google Trends work? See below:

These trends above we based on 30 days, you can change the time to all time, a year, a month, etc. Google Trends is a great tool to know what is being said the most on the web on a topic and what the rising topics are related to it. #InspireToThrive Click To Tweet

Make The Most of Alerts to Keep Up With the Latest Business Trends Online

Just like Google Trends, Google Alerts will also keep you up to date with what is going on in your industry.

You can set your alerts once a day or once a week - whenever suits you. You can ask Google to alert you of certain keywords, phrases, and topics so that you're always in the know.

Be sure to also have an alert set up for you and your business.

Google Alerts will also keep you up to date with what is going on in your industry. #InspireToThrive Click To Tweet

Keep An Eye On Your Competitors

Your competitors will be looking out for trends too and they'll be using the same tactics you are, so keep an eye on them in case they've caught onto something before you have.

You can also use them as a little bit of a guinea pig and see if they're having success with something or not and then you can decide what action you take.

You don't always have to be the first one on a new trend, sometimes it's far more effective to learn from others mistakes first.

Speak to Your Customers to Keep Up With the Latest Business Trends

Customers are really useful for telling you what's going on in their lives and what is in demand and what isn't.

Find out from your customers what they're looking for and what they need from you, this customer feedback will be imperative to you on whether jumping on the latest trend is even necessary.

How are you keeping with your industry's trends? I'd love to know more ways below or which of the above ways you are using today.