How to Keep Skin Smooth In Cold Months

By Alexa Alfonso @lexlovescouture

Cold weather does absolutely no favors for your skin. For the girls who have dry skin on a regular basis it is even worse! Luckily for all of us, I had a mother who was obsessive about her "lotioning regimen" growing up and it rubbed off on me. If you are at a loss as to how to keep your skin smooth during the colder months, this is the post for you!

Start with an oil or body butter.

If you think lotion alone will keep your skin smooth that was your first mistake. Maybe in the summer when there is more moisture in the air this is okay, but in the dry fall/winter months lotion is just not enough to maintain your skin's softness. You need to start with something heavier that will really hydrate the skin and restore its moisture.

Lex's top pics for Oil/Body Butter:

Whish Body Oil: Even though this is an oil, it does not leave a super greasy residue. The skin absorbs it quickly so if you do not suffer from super dry skin this may be the best choice for you. It leaves your skin feeling super soft and has a great scent (10 scents to choose from)!

Palmer's Cocoa Butter: I grew up on this! I used to like it when I was little because it smelled a little like chocolate chip cookies. It looks like actual butter and melts in your hands as you put it on. If you are looking for something that is a little heavier than a body oil this is your best bet. Your body will be soft and touchable all year-long!

Coconut Oil: You have probably heard about the coconut oil craze that has been going on. It is great for your hair, removes makeup, and can even whiten your teeth! Another thing it is great for is your skin. My entire family swears by it. Nothing leaves your skin softer. My skin is very dry pretty much all year-long and nothing works as well as coconut oil for me. It gives you the smoothest finish. The only drawback is that it is VERY heavy and will definitely stain clothes if you are not careful. Just a heads up! You can get coconut oil at any supermarket or health food store!

Seal with lotion.

This is where lotion comes into play. After you have applied one of the above, lather on some lotion to lock in the moisture. These two steps go hand in hand in my book. Skipping one makes the other ineffective. Trust me, I have learned the hard way!

Lex's top pics for Lotion:

Lubriderm: You can never go wrong with this lotion. It is light enough to not leave a greasy residue, but strong enough to be effective!

Shea Moisture Body Lotion: This is a tad heavier, so if your skin falls closer to the dry side, this is the lotion for you. It has a light refreshing scent that is not overpowering.

Nivea Original Moisture Body Lotion: If you suffer from very dry skin, this is the lotion to try. It has a such rich formula that it feels like more of a cream than a lotion. It really locks in the moisture. A must on those frigid cold days!

Extra Tip: Before all else, do not forget to exfoliate. Make sure that you have a body scrub in the shower to help get rid of the dead skin cells. Due to my dry skin, I try to use a body scrub twice a week. PS- You can make your own at home body scrub with coconut oil (1/2 cup), brown sugar (1/2 cup), and vanilla (1 teaspoon)!

How do YOU keep your skin smooth in the cold months?