One of the most famous and most indigenous iOS App, Flipboard was briefly demonstrated on Android which comes exclusively on the new Samsung Galaxy S III. Every head turned when the y heard Flipboard was seen on Android. But it was announced that it made exclusive for Samsung Galaxy S III. Not anymore. You see, developers are smart, they hate it when the company says ‘ This is shiny, new and amazing, but its only for the device I want to sell’.
So at XDA-Developers, a 2.32MB APK arrived a few hours ago, which should essentially install Flipboard on any Android device. Here is how to install it and start flipping like a iOS user.
- Go to XDA-Developers, and download the Flipboard.apk file. Only download the file uploaded by user Valcho.
- If you aren’t using your phone to browse, then click over the Attached file to get the QR code (given below) and download the App directly. Or download the APK on your PC and transfer it to your device any way you like ( Dropbox, self-email, usb, bluetooth, ada ada ada )
- Run the APK, and install Flipboard.
Nice and easy, enjoy Flipboard on your device.
For people who don’t want to install unofficial apps, sooner or later this App would hit the Google Play store. So don’t worry its worth the wait if you want to.