How To Install CyanogenMod 9 Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich On HP TouchPad

Posted on the 19 January 2012 by Skateroren @ProgramsAlive
Before you do this there a some thing in this rom that doesnt work like the camera, etc.

Step 1: Install the Palm Novacom driver – the easiest way is to use the installer. Simply download the .jar file from Google Code, and Run. Step 2: Next you’ll need to download the required files:

  • New ACMEInstaller
  • Clockwork Recovery (hasn’t been updated, so only install if you don’t already have it)
  • Moboot
  • Alpha0 CM9 for TouchPad
Step 3: Drag ACMEInstaller into the same directory as your Novacom files. Step 4: Connect your HP TouchPad to your computer and enable USB mass storage mode by tapping the USB notification in the upper top right-hand corner of the screen.

Step 5: Now you’ll need to copy the remaining downloaded files to your TouchPad. Open your TouchPad using an explorer utility, and create a new folder called “cminstall”. Inside your newly-made folder, drag in those files we downloaded in Step 2. NB: they should not be extracted just yet. Step 6: Reboot your device. Once you’re back in play, press and hold the volume button and once the screen goes dark, quickly hold the volume up button after which you’ll be met with a large USB icon on your TouchPad’s screen. Step 7: Open a command prompt (Start > search “cmd”). Then type cd: \ which will take you to your root directory. Type “dir” in order to unveil the full list of directories. Step 8: In My Computer, search “cd Program Files” and tap enter, then search “cd Palm, Inc” and hit enter once again. Step 9: Now you’re going to need to run ACMEInstaller. Enter “novacom.exe boot mem:// < ACMEInstaller2″ into the command prompt (See Step 7 for reference). You will begin to notice lines of text running across the screen of your device. Let the process run its course, after which you’ll need to boot into Moboot. You can opt to boot into CyanogenMod by tapping on the home button, or otherwise you can reboot to webOS by using the up and down volume arrows to navigate to the webOS option and then tapping home.
