How to Increase Domain Authority by 5 Points with 6 Steps

By Sandy16

How to Increase domain authority of a website is one of the most searched terms searched by beginner bloggers. In fact, It is the dream of every blogger to boost domain authority and page authority in quick time. To help you on building your online presence on the internet we will guide you on How to Increase Domain Authority of a website.

What is Domain Authority of a website?

Domain Authority (DA) is the metric developed by Moz, which ranks the websites based on acceptable factors. Domain Authority is measured on a scale of 0-100. Well, 0 is the lowest and 100 as the highest score. Your domain authority decides the ranking position of your website on search engine results page [SERP]

There are a lot of factors considered by Google to rank your website on search engine results page [SERP]. Over the years Google uses domain authority as the primary metric to rank a website on the internet.

How does the domain authority of a website calculate?

The domain authority of a website is calculated by using many factors as follows below:

Root domains:

If the website posses the unique backlinks from authority websites and the backlinks earned through different websites boosts the domain authority.

Trust Score:

The trust score of a website is calculated by the number of trusted websites links pointing to your website. And the number of trusted websites you are linking out from your website

Quality content:

No matter how the trend of SEO changes, always “Content is King” quality content is appreciated everywhere. Write unique content that links you back and features your website on the first page of google.

Social Signals:

Social signals are one among the major factors used by Google to feature your website on search engine page results [SERP]. If your website gets more likes, comments and shares, Google considers your website as a social signal to increase domain authority of a website.

How to Increase Domain Authority of a Website

Now, let us see on how to boost domain authority of a website to improve the website rankings. Follow these tips to boost search engine rankings by increasing Domain Authority

1. Build trusted links

The quality of your websites backlinks is measured by checking the backlinks that your website pointing out and the backlinks pointing in. It’s highly important to build links with the trusted websites which have good domain authority and page authority

Establish the relationship with the websites which are already on trust demand. Write a guest post for their websites and ask them for a backlink. When the authority website links back to your website, the domain authority of the website is transferred to your website

Build healthy authority backlinks and remove the toxic backlinks on your website. You can use the website like SEMrush to check the toxic backlinks on your websites and remove them from your website

2. Internal Linking Structure

The Internal linking structure should be done in a most intelligent manner so that a visitor can stay a long time on your website and share interesting posts on the website.

When you are done with the topic, link the most relevant and related posts in the post. Adding internal links to the posts indicates that the post has In-depth analysis so that the user can spend more time on sharing your website

An internal linking structure on your website indicates that your website has In-depth matter to be shared, thus prioritize your website and ranks your website with better rankings. And remember to link only the relevant posts but not the irrelevant links. As your website gets organic traffic with improved search engine results page, the domain authority increases automatically. (Organic traffic increase the domain authority of a website)

3. Website Architecture

Your website design is as important as your content. Care should be taken while designing the website. Search engine algorithm recognises the website architecture and decides whether the website is user-friendly or not? If your website architecture satisfies the algorithm, your website gest prioritized.

If your website design doesn’t satisfy the requirements of user-friendly experience, search engine algorithm will neglect to prioritize your website. The good website architecture consists of easy navigation menus, homepage links, bread crumbs and softly sidebar widgets.

Make sure your website has the easy navigation menu along with the important pages on the website. And the sidebars should be made with useful and interactive widgets.

4. Mobile-friendly Website

Make sure that your website is optimized for mobile devices and offers an easy way to share the information on your website. If your website fails to optimize for mobile devices your rankings will be dropped and the one with the mobile-friendly website will rank higher

Remove the in-active widgets from sidebar so that the website speed can be improved. Having an optimized mobile-friendly website benefits you with a lot of organic traffic and improves mobile search engine rankings

Well-optimized friendly websites get fitted to the devices quickly and effectively without causing any disturbance to the visitor. And the website which hasn’t optimized for mobile devices will lose its traffic and mobile search engine rankings

More than 60% of internet searches are made from mobile devices. And the google is working on mobile first index, where the websites with non-friendly websites are neglected. You can test your website mobile-friendly status by visiting Mobile-friendly test by Google developers

5. Website loading Speed

Website loading speed is also one of the major ranking factor considered by Google to rank a website on search engine rank pages. To make your website load faster you need to remove the un-necessary widgets and sidebars and minimise the codes on your pages

Speed website loading decreases the bounce rate and increases the visitor engagements on your website. And the slower loading websites take too much time to respond and makes the visitor leave your website

You can improve your website loading speed by using the websites like PageSpeed tool by Google Developers or by visiting the Pingdom tools here you will find the reason why your website is loading slower and the tips to improve the loading speed of your website.

6. Social Signals

As Google algorithm considers over 200 factors to rank a website, social signals are one of the major ranking factor included in ranking your website on the search engine results page [SERP].

writing the quality content is one part and promoting it to reach the bigger audience is another big part. After publishing the post share it in the social media and in the relevant groups. Promote your website in the social media by targeting the audience based in your niche.

Engage the users to click on your website by using Eye-catching headlines and drive traffic to your website. Promote the content on all the major social sharing websites and get shares, likes and comments. Respond to the comments received on your content and clear their doubts. Thus, build domain authority on social sharing sites and receive social signals to increase domain authority of a website.

What is a good domain authority score

Domain Authority is a metric developed by Moz and measured on a scale of 0-100. where 0 been the lowest and 100 as the highest score. As the number of trusted links points to your website your domain authority increases faster and trust flow increases further.

It’s easy to build a domain authority score of 20-30 and if your website gets good organic traffic and shares its easy to reach a score of 30-50 and its hard to build domain authority as the sore increases. For blogs, 35-50 domain authority score is good to protect search engine rankings.

Write continuously on the website and share it regularly on social media. It will definitely increase your domain authority. This is the practice used by many bloggers  and It is recommended by me to blog regularly and maintain a healthy social profile

How to Increase Domain Authority of website

Domain Authority (DA) of a website can’t build in a single day and can’t be predicted on how high we score to get domain authority. It takes weeks and months to see the results that you have applied. You need to maintain patience and continuous effort to increase domain authority fast.

Boosting of domain authority takes time as the web crawlers need to crawl your website and check the authority of links you are getting and then calculate the ranking position to the website.

Also Read: How To Increase Domain Authority Of Website Naturally

But never lose hope, Even there are many websites with low domain authority but gains more organic traffic. As the domain age increases, its authority also increases. Maintaining domain authority is the continuous effort to free from the competitors.

An interesting topic on SEO: Quality backlinks are essential to improve the search engine rankings for your website. All you need is the high-quality backlinks. In the previous post, we shared a post on How to build high quality backlinks for SEO you check this post from here.

Conclusion on Domain Authority

We hope that the post on How to Increase domain authority helped you to boost domain authority of a website. Follow these tips to improve domain authority faster and achieve better rankings in search engine result pages [SERP]. If you found any difficulties to improve domain authority, you can write to us through the comments section and we will reach you out with the most possible solutions.

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