How to Hide Friends on Facebook

Posted on the 23 July 2016 by Grvvash

Last Updated:

Did you know that you can even hide your friends list on facebook? It is true. You want to know how to hide friends on Facebook, than you are at a right place.

Privacy is one of the most major concerns of Facebook, but recently Facebook has implemented a lot of new adjustments to maintain the privacy of a user.

Now, a user has control over almost everything in their own profile (eg, status, photos, records, etc). The user also has control over how they want to share the material (eg, with everyone, friends, friends of friends, etc.). Users can even manually hide status of specific individuals.

If you do not want strangers to see your friends list, then you can hide from them. Too easy. You can use the privacy settings of Facebook for good and improved visibility to modify your list of friends.

One thing I've noticed when you keep your friends list public is that many people see that list and start adding friends blindly.

And see mutual friends, other friends tend to accept the friend request. It's a bit embarrassing when your friend tells you that a mutual friend of yours has sent you a friend request.

It is better to let your friends list is visible only to you and hidden from others.

This guide has been updated to match the new privacy settings Facebook, because Facebook recently made some important changes. Therefore, follow this new tutorial and hide the list of Facebook friends from others:

  • Login to your Facebook account
  • Go to your Profile page
  • Click on Friends

Now in its page list of Facebook friends, just click on the "Manage" icon on the top right and click "Edit privacy."

From here you can control who can see your friends list and who can not. I usually keep visible only to me, because it is better for the privacy of my friends because I do not want to be bombarded with requests for unlimited friendship.

Check out this screenshot for a better understanding:

If you do not want anyone to see your list of Facebook friends, keep the "Who can see list of friends" to "only me ".

(Keep your list of Facebook friends visible to others is totally your choice, but my suggestion would be to keep it hidden from the privacy of your friends.)