How To Help The World

By Winyeemichelle
When the world is currently being devastated by a man - barely - with too much power and not enough good, it seems thoroughly trivial to be sharing my sweet new outfit or push forth a nonsensical and whimsical agenda. In the handful of days since Trump’s inauguration as 45th President of the United States, I can’t help but think that the States have never been less united. Last week as I caught up with the news each morning, I simply couldn’t shake a feeling of helplessness at the executive orders this Wotsit with Money was motioning to pass.
Like many of my friends, I fumed as news article after news article reported on reports of ‘alternative facts’ and of an order motioning to bar citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the US for 3 months - and that includes US residents/Green Card holders themselves. It’s being dubbed as #MuslimBan online, if you’d like to do some further reading. Only days before, he reinstated the global gag rule; that is, reducing family planning funding in the UN and thus increasing the risk of dangerous abortions.
This post isn’t to shout loud about my political views (I’m sure you already realize that I’m vehemently against both of these executive orders as well as the T-bag himself), but to perhaps encourage you, my lovely reader, to take action in any small way that you can.

Helping the world

Marches & protests

All across the country and the globe, are peaceful marches and protests to show a demonstration against Trump and his administration. It’s important to gain numbers where we can and to actively show that we are not with his beliefs, whether we live in the US or not. It’s already been shown that Trump is attempting to create a particular image in America and whether that includes lies or ‘alternative facts’, we must enforce that his extreme views are not and can not be the norm. His way is not democracy.

Paying a small way

  • Off the back of the #MuslimBan, you can pledge money to the ACLU who do awesome work for civil rights in America and are continuing to fight the executive order in court.
  • Continue to donate to the British Red Cross in their aid for Syrian refugees. Their plight cannot be forgotten amongst the turmoil across the globe right now and, if anything, refugees will be hit the most following Trump’s plans to shun all refugees from entering the country.

Sign the petition

You can sign this petition that has been set up to prevent Donald Trump from making a State Visit to the United Kingdom. By no means do I want Theresa May welcoming this T-bag to our country, as divided and flawed as it is. You can sign it here.

Be an ear

Another great way to help the world is to listen. Whilst here in the UK, we’re in a very different - albeit just as difficult - situation, it’s more important than ever to listen in a world that’s full of heartbreak, disappointment and sadness. They say negativity is louder than happiness but if you listen hard enough, you know there’s always another story to be heard and helped. I wrote a piece post-Brexit-and-Trump that discussed this further, but it’s so important to be actively talking about the political landscape and educating yourself every day, thus opening your mind up to why people think the things they do and how that may affect your world, their life or something bigger.
Team up Girl Gang, it’s going to be a rocky ride.


How To Help The World

6.2.17 When the world is currently being devastated by a man - barely - with too much power and not enough good, it seems thoroughly trivial to be sharing my sweet new outfit or push forth a nonsensical and whimsical agenda. In the handful of days since Trump’s inauguration as 45th President of the United States, I can’t help but think that the States have never been less united. Last week as I caught up with the news each morning, I simply couldn’t shake a feeling of helplessness at the executive orders this Wotsit with Money was motioning to pass.
Like many of my friends, I fumed as news article after news article reported on reports of ‘alternative facts’ and of an order motioning to bar citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the US for 3 months - and that includes US residents/Green Card holders themselves. It’s being dubbed as #MuslimBan online, if you’d like to do some further reading. Only days before, he reinstated the global gag rule; that is, reducing family planning funding in the UN and thus increasing the risk of dangerous abortions.
This post isn’t to shout loud about my political views (I’m sure you already realize that I’m vehemently against both of these executive orders as well as the T-bag himself), but to perhaps encourage you, my lovely reader, to take action in any small way that you can.

Helping the world

Marches & protests

All across the country and the globe, are peaceful marches and protests to show a demonstration against Trump and his administration. It’s important to gain numbers where we can and to actively show that we are not with his beliefs, whether we live in the US or not. It’s already been shown that Trump is attempting to create a particular image in America and whether that includes lies or ‘alternative facts’, we must enforce that his extreme views are not and can not be the norm. His way is not democracy.

Paying a small way

  • Off the back of the #MuslimBan, you can pledge money to the ACLU who do awesome work for civil rights in America and are continuing to fight the executive order in court.
  • Continue to donate to the British Red Cross in their aid for Syrian refugees. Their plight cannot be forgotten amongst the turmoil across the globe right now and, if anything, refugees will be hit the most following Trump’s plans to shun all refugees from entering the country.

Sign the petition

You can sign this petition that has been set up to prevent Donald Trump from making a State Visit to the United Kingdom. By no means do I want Theresa May welcoming this T-bag to our country, as divided and flawed as it is. You can sign it here.

Be an ear

Another great way to help the world is to listen. Whilst here in the UK, we’re in a very different - albeit just as difficult - situation, it’s more important than ever to listen in a world that’s full of heartbreak, disappointment and sadness. They say negativity is louder than happiness but if you listen hard enough, you know there’s always another story to be heard and helped. I wrote a piece post-Brexit-and-Trump that discussed this further, but it’s so important to be actively talking about the political landscape and educating yourself every day, thus opening your mind up to why people think the things they do and how that may affect your world, their life or something bigger.
Team up Girl Gang, it’s going to be a rocky ride.