How to Heal Your Dry and Cracked Hands Once and For All

By A Girl In Nyc - Lifestyle Blog

Every winter like clockwork, my hands become dry and cracked. This is something I've dealt with year after year (even when I lived in Los Angeles and it was significantly warmer than the East Coast). It starts around October and lasts until April or when the weather begins to warm up. If I slack off on applying lotion, I'll get painful cuts all over my hands (especially on my knuckles). I've come to accept that it's a side effect of winter caused by a lack of humidity in the air and over-washing my hands. Over the years I can't begin to count the various lotions, balms, and creams I've tried. From luxury skincare labels to bargain brands that I've discovered at CVS or Duane Reade-some work 1000 times better than their competitors.

A few weeks ago, I tested out a ton of products designed to prevent and heal dry and cracked hands. I used each one for four days so I could document how my hands felt once I was finished. Then, I narrowed down my top eight and outlined them below by answering some common questions. How does the brand advertise its scent? Does it really smell like that? What is the texture? How often do you apply it? And, How much does a tube cost? Plus, I've included some relevant information under "411" to help you choose the best one for your skin.