How To Have A Boutique Bedroom

By Hellofreckles @tashajsteel
Boutique hotels are great, with their quirky styling and little touches that set them apart from your regular hotel chains with their standard decor whether you're staying in Newcastle or Brighton.
I don't know about you, but when I visit boutique hotels, I get inspired to think about decor and how making a few little changes can make your home hit that balance between cosy home and upmarket hotel. Here's my tips, maybe pretty useful if you're thinking about putting your digs on AirBnB too...

Find your theme
Before you start changing all the furniture in your room decided on a theme. Are you going for a vintage feel, super girly, scandi minimalism or monochrome for example? Pinterest is great for ideas, so is Instagram, especially considering the amount of hotel accounts I follow. We'll skip past the terraces with hot tubs and marble bathrooms... that's a whole other conversation.

Invest in statement pieces / upcycle
Whether that's a minimalist bed frame, or a vintage dressing table, key pieces never go out of style and it's these touches which will give your room a story and a centerpiece to focus your decor around. Alternatively, give that set of shelves a lick of paint, or sand down some photo frames to give them a distressed feel and finally put something in them and get them on display.

Think about lighting
Something that always strikes me about boutique hotels is the lighting. Whether you look to use blinds, or shutters like Luxaflex, from coloured shutters to really suit the styling of the room, or something that offer slightly more privacy and some shade; they have the art of window styling covered! PowerView Motorisation, their latest techy product allows you to programme and move your blinds just by using your phone, or a remote control. If you've got a great view of the sunset in the evening, show it off  - also pretty good for security if you're away for the weekend and don't want anyone to suspect otherwise! And we haven't even covered curtains yet, perhaps you want something heavyweight with detailed curtain hooks to give a more classic feel? Either way, lighting is key, so don't neglect any artificial light either, look for how you can incorporate lamps and candles too.

Don't overcrowd things
Built in storage is great if you've got it, but if not, let's downsize. Do you really need to have all those body lotions on display? Could you vacuum pack your summer wardrobe and store it elsewhere - under your bed, in the loft etc. Just leave out the fluffy robes; in case you want to feel like a boutique spa guest! Or have I spent too long looking at Instagram...?

What would you change, or add, to your bedroom to give it a boutique hotel feel?
Sponsored post - images provided by luxaflex. All words my own.