How to Grow A Pear – Ke$ha Vs. Jonathan’s Fine Jewelers

By Jonathansfinejewelers @Jon_Siegel
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How to Grow a Pear(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When it comes to growing a pear, it seems as if there is a throw down between how Kesha and Jonathan’s Fine Jewelers plant their trees…so to speak.  You might be wondering where I am coming up with this comparison or contrast, but yes, the pop star, turned jewelry maven designer and I do both grow a pear and we do it very differently.

Kesha Rose by Charles Albert

If you have been living under a rock, then you probably didn’t know that Kesha has teamed up with Charles Albert to design and manufacture a jewelry line called Kesha Rose.  This line features edges and eclectic designs that showcase the singer’s individuality and uniqueness.

All of the Kesha Rose designs are handcrafted out of infused base metals and the price line is actually really good.

Jonathan’s Fine Jewelers by Us

You might not know who we are, but we design custom engagement rings and diamond jewelry.  Our designs are stunning and made of precious metals and diamonds and fine gemstones that come out of our very own safe.  When you come to visit us, whether you are here in person or by Skype or even email and phone, we walk you through the process from picking your stone to the wax mold to the finished product and you get exactly what you want.

Every. Single. Time.

Everything is done in house and our setters, bench jewelers and polishers are top notch and our turn around time is unprecedented.  Our price point can be anything your budget is.

How to Grow a Pear by Kesha Rose

This is how Kesha Rose grows a pear.  And, by the way, this line sold out almost as soon as it came to market.

*All photos are courtesy of

How to Grow a Pear by Jonathan’s Fine Jewelers

Our pears are a bit different.  First, let’s understand the pear shape, which is considered a fancy diamond.  When you look at a pear face up it is rounded at one end and tapered to a point at the other end.  The facet arrangement of a pear is a variation of the round brilliant cut diamond.  The rounded top part of the pear is called the head and the sloping edges are called the shoulders.  The widest part of the pear, where the bulge is, is the belly and when the diamond starts to come together that is the wing.  The tip of the pear is the point.

The best way to pick a pear from the diamond pear tree is to pick a pear that you love.  Look for sparkle and one that’s shape is pleasing to the eye.  If it’s too skinny or too fat, that’s not a good pear and if it’s bottom heavy, then all the carat weight will be in the setting and not seen.  This can also make the pear have a bow tie effect, where dark areas show up that make the stone look like it’s wearing a bow tie, which is great if you are going out formal, but on an every day basis, not what you want in a pear!

This is how Jonathan’s Fine Jewelers grows pears.

*All images courtesy of us.