How to Get Scar-free Skin with Right Acne Treatment

By Anshulika

how-to-get-scar-free-skin-with-right-acne-treatmentAcne has been a problem since a long time among most men and women. Most of us have gone through the problem of acne once in our lives. Usually, people try out many home remedies or acne solutions to get rid of the condition. If we are lucky enough, with proper care and the right treatment, the pimples disappear after a while. But the fight doesn’t end here, the other nightmare we face is the left behind acne scars and marks.

Acne scars tend to make you low on self-confidence as it affects your looks. Most of the people suffering from acne and scars don’t like to make public appearances. Most acne scars fade away after weeks whereas some leave a permanent mark. Some of them cause skin discoloration, tissue scars, macules and loss of tissue. However, now you don’t need to be embarrassed or ashamed of it. The remedies mentioned below can help you to lighten and get rid of your acne and pimple scars.

Treatment of Acne Scars

Medical science and cosmetology has made it easy for people to get rid of their blemishes, marks, and acne scars. There are many methods available to get that smooth, spotless and glowing skin. Before you decide on any of the treatments below, it is necessary to speak to a professional dermatologist for the best solution for your acne problems. Here are a few ways to get rid of the scars:

  • Retinol or Retinoic Acid: Retinol works effectively to lighten and eliminate your acne scars. These may not get treated with normal acne scar creams and need special attention. One can opt for a Retinoic acid cream or ask the dermatologist to prescribe you Retinol drugs. They go deep in your tissue and give you smooth and flawless skin again.
  • Chemical Peels: One of the most common treatments of acne scars is signing up for a chemical peel procedure. This process involves applying a peel on the affected area including a chemical acid, which helps remove the outer layer of your skin. It works well with scars that are caused after inflammation and hyperpigmentation. Ask your skin doctor if this would work in your case. Usually, one needs to go through a series of chemical peels depending on the power of the chemical and intensity of your scars.


  • Collagen or Hyaluronic Acid Fillers: Some acne scars that have caused a depression mark on your skin can be treated by filling them with collagen or hyaluronic acid. They can also, be filled with fat to give your skin an even look. However, this is not a permanent solution as filler injection treatments usually need to be repeated every few months. This is only because your skin will eventually absorb collagen or any other fillers.
  • Laser Treatments: Dermatologists may recommend laser treatments to eliminate those embarrassing scar marks on your face or body. They help you to remove the outer skin layer, thus lightening the redness and marks left behind by acne. It is essential to understand the type of laser treatment that will suit your acne problem. Laser treatments vary depending on the type of acne scar – raised or flat.
  • Skin Grafting: The skin grafting procedure includes filling the acne scars with a piece of your skin. Usually taken from behind the ear, this procedure is a very common process of treating scars caused by any problem.
  • Dermabrasion: This acne and pimple treatment provide effective results. One of the most common treatment methods for scars, it remodels and reduces the depth of the scar. Dermatologists usually use a high-speed instrument while carrying out the treatment.

Apart from these treatments, one should wear sunscreen always before stepping out. It protects the skin with the beneficial collagen properties. It is wise to consult a dermatologist to get the best guidance. It is crucial to opt for the right treatment of acne depending on your condition.