How to Get Rid of Cellulite: Fat Busting Methods

Posted on the 07 June 2016 by Sergey Kushchak @ambrossimo

One of the most common issues that many people face is cellulite on their body. Most people don’t know how to get rid of cellulite. You can get rid of it and get your confidence back. Don’t be embarrassed about your body anymore by fixing the problem using easy home methods to remove cellulite.

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite is the buildup of fat under a person’s skin. It looks saggy because the fat makes it look bumpy due to the fat pushing toward the tissue that is a connector. The skin then puckers. It is a condition that is more common in women than in men, though both sexes can develop cellulite. No, it will not hurt you but because it looks bad, you’ll want to know how to get rid of cellulite.

Fat is connected to the skin through collagen fibers. The fibers can sometimes stretch out of shape, break or even become tighter causing the appearance of cellulite making the skin bulge unattractively.

Having cellulite on your body does not indicate obesity or being overweight but losing weight can help you remove the excess fat on your body.

The Various Grades of Cellulite

There are 3 grades of cellulite depending on the symptoms you see. Grade 1 is the lowest in which there are hardly any symptoms but you can see the cellulite under a microscope. Any changes can be seen this way if the anatomy is affected. Grade 2 cellulite is when the skin becomes pasty, has a temperature that is lower and the level of elasticity is decreased. The microscope will show anatomic changes. The third grade is when the skin becomes very rough when touched and the roughness can also be seen. It looks like an orange peel and has the features of grade 2 also.

What are the Causes of Cellulite?

You’re probably wondering what causes cellulite. There are various factors but the main causes are hormones, genetics, diet, lifestyle and surprisingly, what you wear.

Hormones play a part in the development of cellulite. Hormones that have a role in the cellulite development process include insulin and estrogen as well as the thyroid hormone.

If someone in your family has a problem with cellulite, it is possible for you to have it also, at one point in your life since genetics can influence this. Age, your sex and race may also play a part in cellulite development. Other causes include your metabolic rate and fat distribution under your skin.

They say you are what you eat. This means that your diet can cause cellulite development under your skin. This is likely if you consume a diet that is high in carbohydrates and/or high in fat. Consuming excessive amounts of salt can also promote cellulite on your body.

Your lifestyle can also influence the appearance of cellulite anywhere on your body. Individuals who smoke are at a higher risk of cellulite appearance compared to those who do not smoke. People who do not exercise enough or at all may also be at a higher risk since this contributes to excess weight and the non-removal of fat.

How to Get Rid of Cellulite: Home Remedies

Cellulite Removal with Detoxification Baths

Taking a detoxification bath can help eliminate toxins that are responsible for the cellulite appearing to begin with. You can get rid of cellulite with this method and also prevent it from coming back to haunt you again. You will need a few sheets of seaweed or you can use one cup of sea salt. Add this to a bathtub filled with warm water. Stay in the bath water for twenty minutes and do this 2 times a week. After you are done, you will need a moisturizer for your skin to prevent dryness.

Ground Coffee Scrub

You don’t need to go out to the store and buy cellulite scrubs. The ones you can make at home work better compared to those found in the store that don’t do anything to remove the cellulite on you. Coffee is beneficial for the skin. By massaging it on the affected area, it can tighten your skin and also help the blood blow better in the area that is affected.

You’ll need 3 Tbsp. of sugar, 2 tablespoons coconut oil, ¼ cup ground coffee. Combine all of the ingredients to create a paste. Apply this on the affected area and massage it with your fingers for a few minutes. Once you’re done, wash this off and then do this a few times weekly. Every other day is plenty.

Water and Hydration: How to get rid of Cellulite on Legs

Without hydration, you’ll look and feel horrible. To refresh your skin and revitalize your body, you need to fill up on water. It is important for good health and skin. When you don’t have enough water on the inside, it shows on the outside. Drink plenty of water each day and also add in some healthy juices. Always keep water nearby, even if there isn’t water around you can at leave have a bottle within reach to moisturize and hydrate your skin and body. You’ll be able to see the difference after consuming water. It can also improve your metabolic rate to help burn fat better and faster too.

Stop Eating Processed Foods

Processed food can promote toxicity in your body and cause many side effects that can be very dangerous for your health. They can cause the development of cellulite. Consuming a healthier diet can help get rid of cellulite and also prevent it from appearing to begin with. Switch to a diet that is all natural. You may think this is a costly alternative but it’s not. Shop for organic foods that don’t have any chemicals. Eat more fruits and vegetables and your body will love you for it. Healthy food is a natural cellulite buster.

Apple Cider Vinegar to Get Rid of Cellulite

Apple cider vinegar can help get rid of cellulite because of the many vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, calcium and potassium. It has the ability to remove toxins which contribute to cellulite development. In addition, ACV reduces that amount of water retention in your body, mainly the belly and thighs. These two areas are the most common areas that cellulite is found on people’s bodies. Because ACV is known to promote weight loss, it can promote cellulite loss too.

You will need to mix water and vinegar together. Make sure you use double the amount of water compared to the vinegar. Apply this mixture onto the cellulite and massage this for a few minutes. Leave it on for half hour and then remove it with warm water. By doing this two times every day, you will soon see a difference. Repeat this until the cellulite is gone.

Dry Brushing

This is a very easy method of how to get rid of cellulite but you must be careful not to get the skin wet. This method will improve your blood circulation and also improve the drainage of the lymph. This method can also detoxify the skin and can remove cellulite from the body.

For this method, you will need a brush that is gently and will not harm the skin. Gently brush your skin in upwards motions. If you move the brush upwards toward the heart, it will enhance your body’s blood circulation. You should begin with your feet and then work your way up to the thighs and then each area of the upper body. You should dry brush in the counterclockwise direction on the belly. The sweeps should be longer except, as mentioned, on the belly. Be careful with this entire process to prevent irritation your skin. Use this method once daily.

Remove Cellulite with Juniper Oil

Juniper Oil is another item that can get rid of toxins in your skin and the fat that causes the buildup of cellulite. Juniper oil has the ability to eliminate toxins and also reduce the fluid retention levels that contributes to decreasing the amount of cellulite you have. You will need approximately 15 drops of juniper oil for how to get rid of cellulite, ¼ cup of olive oil and then mix the two together. Then apply this onto the cellulite affected area. Massage it on and do this for ten to fifteen minutes. Keep repeating this daily but if you have a lot of cellulite, you can use this remedy twice a day for stubborn areas. The duration will vary depending on how much you have. Repeat this until you get the desired effects.

Salmon: How to Get Rid of Cellulite from Legs

This fish is high in antioxidants that can melt away the cellulite or any fat deposits by killing the cells. The components in salmon have the ability to improve your skin such as Omega 3 fatty acids that reduce swelling and improve the skin cells and the tissue. Toxins are removed for a healthier appearance and overall body. To use this remedy, simply consume a few servings every week but do not opt for the fried version. Opt for baked, roasted or grilled versions.

Tomatoes for Cellulite Removal

When eat the wrong things or just go outside into the environment, you’re opening yourself up to toxins that can make your body home. Tomatoes can help remove the toxins that are bogging you down and also causing cellulite to attack your body. They are in your body as fat and they cause cellulite to develop. It’s important that you know how to get rid of cellulite and remove the fat pockets. Take two or three tomatoes and make a past with lime juice. Apply this mixture in massaging motions, massaging the area for up to fifteen minutes. Then remove it with water. Keep doing this daily until the cellulite is gone.

Cayenne Pepper to Remove Cellulite on the Thighs

The use cayenne pepper is beneficial because it help to melt away fat. It promotes heat in the body and it can also improve blood flow and circulation. Cayenne pepper can also increase metabolic rate to burn away the fat and get rid of cellulite. In addition, it can also help improve the skin and since both fat and skin go together when it comes to cellulite, it is the perfect solution. You can also consume to eliminate toxins that are in your body. To make a drink from it, you will need one to two teaspoons of it, a teaspoon on ginger that has been grated and some fresh lemon juice. Mix this well and drink it two times every day. Keep this up for a couple of months.

How to Prevent Cellulite

Once you remove the cellulite, you need to keep it off. There are easy ways this can be done. Get rid of the habit of sitting around doing nothing. Stay active and adopt an easy exercise routine. Eat foods that are healthy and stay away from those that can harm you. Instead, find new healthy ways to cook your food. Frying foods is not recommended. No matter how difficult it is, you need to stay hydrated by consuming the minimum daily water intake and also get plenty of rest. Not only will these steps keep the cellulite away, but they will benefit your overall health. You’ll be glad you did and your body will love you for it.