How to Get Paid Apps for Free for iPhone?

Posted on the 19 August 2023 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

If you own an iPhone then checking out a new game or app often means having to pay a few dollars for it. While not a big deal to most; for some people, paying any sum of money for apps can be outrageous.

Well, if you are someone who thinks along the same lines, this article is for you! Today we will show you guys how to get paid apps for free! Along with that, you can also download free music on the iPhone.

Now the iOS environment, unlike Android, is a very closed system. So, while Android owners can easily just tick a checkbox and install apps from an external source, it’s not that easy for us iOS users.

Also because of the secure nature of iOS, we need to jailbreak our iPhones to download something like the Cydia software and get paid apps for free from iTunes itself.

However, keep in mind that jailbreaking has its own consequences and is not recommended for various legal and security reasons. We will go into an in-depth discussion of the pros and cons of using jailbreak to get paid apps for free in the latter portion of this article.

How to Get Paid Apps for Free for iPhone?

There are quite a few legitimate ways to get your apps for iPhone as well without putting your personal data at risk of theft or running the gauntlet of having malware mixed into the cracked apps that you download.

#1. How to Download Paid Apps for Free on Special Offers

The app store is home to around 1.5 million apps. Every app developer wants their apps to get some more visibility, so they often hold sales to increase their product popularity, But in a myriad of apps, it can be difficult to spot these deals.

Worry not, though, because now we have an app to help you with finding these deals as well! After a week of intensive app testing, we discovered that the AppZap app on iTunes offers the best data on these deals and sales. You can download this app by clicking on this link.

The best thing about using AppZap is you get to see the ratings of the apps as well as the deals so you can have a quick glance and decide if the app is worth spending your time on or not! If however, you’d like to try out some other apps of the same ilk, do try out and  FreeAppMagic Daily both of which provide similar services!

For so many apps, you need more storage. Here is how to get more storage on iPhone.

#2. How to Get Paid Apps for free from Apple’s Free App of the Week

This is the second method on our list and a relatively easy one at that!

Every week Apple’s App Store which is the iTunes store offers a free app of the Week. These are generally paid apps that cost a dollar sometimes more on the App Store and over a few months one can build up an impressive collection of paid apps from collecting each one of these every week.

To get your free app of the week, simply search for it from a web browser or navigate to the section of free app of the week on the iTunes homepage! From there, it’s as simple as clicking on the download button for the app and installing it on your iOS device.

#3. How to Download Paid Apps for Free Using Starbucks Pick of the Week

Now, this method of getting free apps does come with a few caveats. Firstly Starbucks has to be available in your vicinity. And secondly, you must be as big a fan of their latte as I am!

With both of those boxes ticked, head on over to your nearest Starbucks and pick up a Pick of the Week card. There is a new app for you every week, and the cards are generally right at the counter where you pick up your coffee. If you like paying through the Starbucks app, you can get a digital copy of the Starbucks Pick of the Week card on your iPhone as well.

Besides this, there are several apps to download iPhone apps for free.

5 Best Apps To Download iPhone Apps for Free

With this in mind, we’ve put together a list of the best apps to download iPhone apps for free. Read on to start downloading your favorite apps without having to pay anything!

1. AppCake:

AppCake is one of the most popular apps for downloading free iPhone apps.

It offers a vast range of apps, including paid ones, for free. One of the best things about this app is that it allows users to search for apps by category, making it easier to find specific types of apps. Moreover, it offers a user-friendly interface that enables easy navigation.

2. Tongbu:

Tongbu is another app that provides free downloads for iPhone apps.

With its simple interface and user-friendly design, Tongbu makes it easy and hassle-free to find and download your favorite apps without paying a single dime. What’s more, it offers a wide selection of games and apps, making it ideal for gamers and app enthusiasts.

3. Kuaiyong:

Kuaiyong is a free iPhone app downloading app that provides a unique set of features compared to the other apps on this list.

One of Kuaiyong’s main features is that it allows users to download paid iPhone apps for free, eliminating the need to pay for apps that you may only use for a short period.

It offers a comprehensive catalog of apps and games that you can download without having to spend anything.

4. TutuApp:

TutuApp is another great app to download free iPhone apps.

Its best feature is that it offers the option of downloading modified and hacked apps. This means you can get access to premium features for free, which could otherwise require in-app purchases or a subscription fee.

Moreover, TutuApp is easy to use, and it comes with a clean and intuitive interface.

5. TweakBox:

TweakBox is a third-party app installer that lets you download and install third-party apps on your iPhone without jailbreaking it.

One of the key advantages of using TweakBox is that it offers a wide range of apps and games, including ones that aren’t available through the official App Store.

Also, it frequently updates its catalog, ensuring that you have access to the latest and greatest apps.

Also read: 

JailBreaking and Cracked Apps

I would highly recommend that you do not go down this path as not only do you lose your warranty this way, you risk getting your phone infected with malware and viruses through the cracked apps that you download.

Also, this method robs the publishers of apps off their legitimate income as well as makes your personal data vulnerable to hackers.

However, if you’ve decided that this is the way to go, then jailbreaking your iPhone will install the Cydia marketplace to your iPhone. Once that is done, you can install several cracked apps from various app stores like, iPhoneCake, and other sites.

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With that, we come to the end of this article! Hope this helped you increase your app library and showed you how to get paid apps for free. Tell us about what apps you got for free in the comments below and share this article with your friends on social media! I’ll see you again at the next one!