How to Get Motivated to Work out & My Current Routine

By Amy Havins @dallaswardrobe

How to get motivated to work out & My Current routine

work out

New Year, new you? How tired are you of hearing that phrase? For me, getting motivated to work out is not always the easiest. There is always something ‘more fun’ to do and there will forever be an excuse to skip but I promise once I get to the class or the workout of my choice, I am SO glad I did not skip! Every year around this time a new round of people “commit” to making changes (in all aspects of life) and then by the time February 1st rolls around those changes have gone out the window.

I am writing this post today to encourage all of you to keep up with whatever works for you.

My entire life some sort of fitness has been apart of my routine. Growing up I played danced, played volleyball and ran track, which then led to cheerleading and gymnastics followed by *lame* gym work outs in college (and often running way too much) and then post college (really post wedding in 2011, ironic I know) I really started to get into a regular (and healthy) routine. I would say about 2012, I tried my first spin class in Dallas. I (like most of you would be) was nervous to go ‘by myself’ to a new work out that I was semi-unfamiliar with. I was unsure where to leave my belongings or even how to clip in the stationary bike. A workout like anything goes like this. The first time you go it’s scary but once you “learn” the process, you are a pro after round 1. My new love of spin of course led me to tight legs, so I decided to add yoga into my mix. For me, heated yoga is my favorite, so I started taking classes at We Yogis (Lovers Lane location is my favorite). Fast forward 8 years I finally feel like I have a routine that works for me.

My current work out routine consists of mainly heated yoga (probably 4-5 times a week) and then 1 spin class a week (either in a group class or at home on our Peloton). This combo is my favorite because I get cardio from both spin and yoga (tons of movement and heat during class) plus the joys of meditation and building strength in yoga. Both work outs play upbeat music (even yoga!!), which keep me going and I love. To keep it simple, I complied a list of how to get motivated. I know it’s pretty short and blunt, but I feel like short and to the point is always the way to go!

How to Get Motivated

  • Make a friend go with you if that’s your vibe
  • Book a bike or sign up for a class that charges you if you cancel (I hate losing $$, so I always get my ass out of bed to avoid the cancelation charge)
  • Get a cute outfit to wear (I love Bandier’s options. Also, these are my ALL TIME favorite leggings…truly the best!)
  • Set goals or make a check list (when I cross things off my list I feel so much better!)
  • Don’t use your kids/no sitter as an excuse…We Yogis (and other studios/gyms) provide child care. Ralph goes all the time with me and loves playing with the other kids!
  • Start small. If working out has never been your thing, don’t dive in the deep end. Maybe go to one class a week and work your way up…nothing worse than burning out.
  • If group classes are not your vibe – go on a walk, do an online work out or hire a trainer to come to your house
  • JUST GO!!!!

I want to wrap this post by saying that I do not promote working out to “get skinny” or to look a certain way. For me, working out helps me calm anxiety, clear my head, build strength and creates alone time that I (we all) need. Allowing myself to be in a positive environment with like minded people makes me happy and when I am happy I can be a better wife and mom!

If you are struggling to jumpstart into a new routine the one thing I want you to take way from this post is that you can do whatever you set your mind to. YOU CAN DO IT!!!