How to Get Migraine Relief the Natural Way

By Lyndsay S @lyndsinreallife

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Migraines are not fun. In fact, they can be excruciatingly painful and debilitating, as anyone who has suffered from them will know.

There are numerous medical treatments out there for migraines, but not everyone finds them effective, and we don’t always have them available to us when we need them, which is why it is worth knowing a few natural remedies that can also help to relieve symptoms of migraines when they strike.

Lavender oil

Not only does lavender oil smell sweet, but many people find that it can help to relieve their migraine symptoms quite effectively too. Simply inhale some pure lavender oil or mix it with a carrier like coconut oil and apply it to your temples, and before you know it, you could be feeling much better.

See an upper cervical chiropractor

If you have access to an upper cervical chiropractor, it might be worth visiting them if you are someone who is prone to migraines. They are able to manipulate your nervous system via bones in the neck to release your body’s natural healing powers and reduce various aches and pains, including, for many people, the pain associated with migraine. Regular treatment could even reduce the number of migraines you have each year significantly.


Feverfew is a herb that looks like a really big daisy. You can often find it in hedgerows and meadows. It has long been used as a remedy for preventing and treating migraines. So, if you have any in your garden or local wildlife area, picking some and turning them into a tincture could help you get the relief you seek, Of course, you can also buy it in supplement form which would be much simpler for most people.

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An ice mask

These days, you can buy ice masks which you refrigerate until needed. When a migraine hits, you place the mask over your eyes and the coolness of the material is able to give you the relief you seek. Sadly, this does not work for everyone, and some people find that the cold therapy actually makes their headaches worse, but it is definitely something you should try if you are looking for natural migraine remedies that are completely safe.

Eat more magnesium

This is more a healthy remedy for helping to prevent migraines, but if you are a regular sufferer, you may benefit from adding more magnesium to your diet. Magnesium deficiency is a prime cause of both migraines and regular headaches, and it is easy to get more of it in your diet by eating things like Brazil nuts, peanut butter, oats, and eggs. Try adding more of these foods to your diet for a few months and see if things improve. 

As you can see, there are numerous natural remedies you can use to take the edge off your migraines and find some relief when you need it most, and it is most definitely worth trying them next time you’re hit with a headache from hell.

Thank you for reading!