How To Get Chapstick Out Of Clothes After Drying?

Posted on the 17 December 2023 by Betty T. Edwards Betty

To get Chapstick out of clothes after drying, scrub the stain with a liquid dish soap pretreatment before washing it, and if necessary, use a powerful stain remover like oxygen-based bleach. However, not all dried Chapstick stains can be removed.

A more effective method is to scrub the spots with hot water and a little laundry detergent, and vinegar can also help remove waxy residue. Lip balm stains can be treated quickly and effectively if you use the right products and act promptly.

An enzyme-based stain remover or strong detergents like Persil or Tide can be used to treat the stain. Applying the pre-treatment directly to the stain and working it in with a soft-bristled brush will yield the best results.


Methods For Removing Dried Chapstick Stains

Dealing with dried Chapstick stains on clothes can be a frustrating experience. The waxy residue left behind by Chapstick can cling onto fabrics and seem impossible to remove. However, with the right methods and products, you can successfully get rid of those stubborn stains. Here are a few effective techniques you can try:

Using Liquid Dish Soap Pretreatment

To tackle dried Chapstick stains, start by applying a liquid dish soap pretreatment. Dish soap is known for its ability to cut through grease and oil stains, making it a great option for removing waxy residue. Follow these steps:

  1. Apply a few drops of liquid dish soap directly onto the stain.
  2. Gently rub the soap into the fabric using a soft-bristled brush or your fingers.
  3. Allow the soap to sit on the stain for about 10-15 minutes to loosen the waxy residue.
  4. Rinse the fabric with cold water to remove the soap and residue.

Once you’ve completed these steps, you can proceed to wash the clothing item as usual. The dish soap pretreatment should help to break down the dried Chapstick stains, making them easier to remove in the washing machine.

Using Stain Remover Like Oxygen-based Bleach

If the dish soap pretreatment doesn’t fully remove the dried Chapstick stains, you might need a more powerful stain remover. Oxygen-based bleach, such as OxiClean or hydrogen peroxide, can be effective in breaking down oily residues. Follow these steps:

  1. Mix a small amount of oxygen-based bleach with water according to the instructions on the product.
  2. Apply the mixture directly onto the stained area, ensuring it is fully saturated.
  3. Gently scrub the stain with a soft-bristled brush to work the solution into the fabric.
  4. Allow the bleach to sit on the stain for about 15-30 minutes to penetrate the residue.
  5. Rinse the fabric thoroughly with cold water to remove the bleach and residue.

Once you’ve completed these steps, proceed to wash the clothing item as usual. The oxygen-based bleach should help to break down the dried Chapstick stains further, allowing them to be washed away more easily.

Trying Vinegar For Waxy Residue

In some cases, you may find that waxy residue is left behind on the fabric even after using the previous methods. Vinegar can be helpful in removing this stubborn residue. Try the following steps:

  1. Soak the stained area in white vinegar for about 30 minutes.
  2. Gently scrub the stain with a soft-bristled brush to help loosen the waxy residue.
  3. Rinse the fabric with cold water to remove the vinegar and residue.

After completing these steps, you can proceed to wash the clothing item as usual. The vinegar should help to dissolve and remove any remaining waxy residue from the fabric.

It’s important to note that not all dried Chapstick stains on clothes can be completely removed. Some stains may be more stubborn or have already set into the fabric. However, by using these methods and treating the stains as soon as possible, you can increase your chances of successfully removing dried Chapstick stains from your clothes.


Preventative Measures And Tips

To get chapstick out of clothes after drying, try using a liquid dish soap pretreatment or a powerful stain remover like oxygen-based bleach. Scrub the spots with hot water and a little laundry detergent, and vinegar can help remove waxy residue.

Remember, not all dried chapstick stains can be removed.

Removing Chapstick Residue From Washer Or Dryer

If you’ve accidentally left chapstick in your pocket and it ended up staining your clothes during the drying process, don’t worry. There are simple ways to remove the residue from your washer or dryer. Start by scrubbing the affected areas with hot water and a little laundry detergent. Additionally, you can use vinegar to help remove waxy residue. By following these steps, you can ensure that your washer or dryer is free from any chapstick residue, allowing you to avoid future staining mishaps.

Choosing The Right Detergent For Chapstick Stains

When dealing with chapstick stains on your clothes, it’s important to choose the right detergent. An enzyme-based stain remover is highly effective at cutting through oily solutions. However, if you don’t have an enzyme-based stain remover on hand, strong detergents like Persil or Tide can also do the job. Apply the pre-treatment directly to the stain and work it in with a soft-bristled brush. This will ensure that the detergent is able to penetrate and break down the chapstick stain, leaving your clothes clean and stain-free.

Treating Chapstick Stains Immediately

To ensure the best chance of removing chapstick stains from your clothes, it’s crucial to address them as soon as possible. Whether your clothes have been through the dryer or not, treating the stain immediately is key. Start by gently scraping off any excess chapstick with a blunt knife or spoon. Next, apply a liquid dish soap pretreatment to the stain and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, gently scrub the stain with a soft-bristled brush or sponge. Finally, wash the garment as usual, using an enzyme-based stain remover or a strong detergent to tackle the remaining stain. By acting quickly and following these steps, you’ll increase your chances of completely removing chapstick stains from your clothes.

Natural And Homemade Solutions

To remove chapstick from clothes after drying, try pretreating the stain with liquid dish soap before washing it. If that doesn’t work, use a powerful stain remover like oxygen-based bleach. Some vinegar may also help remove waxy residue.

Using Enzyme-based Stain Removers

If you find yourself facing a dried chapstick stain on your favorite clothes, don’t panic. There are effective ways to remove it using natural and homemade solutions. One option is using enzyme-based stain removers. These powerful cleaners contain enzymes that break down the oily residue in the chapstick, making it easier to remove.

To use an enzyme-based stain remover, apply a small amount directly onto the stained area. Gently rub the cleaner into the fabric using a soft-bristled brush. Allow it to sit for a few minutes to allow the enzymes to penetrate the stain.

Once the stain has been treated, wash the garment as usual, following the care instructions. Enzyme-based stain removers are safe to use on most fabrics, but it’s always a good idea to spot test on a small, inconspicuous area first to check for any adverse reactions.

Diy Stain Removal Techniques

If you prefer a more hands-on approach, there are DIY stain removal techniques that can effectively tackle dried chapstick stains. One popular method is using dish soap pretreatment.

To begin, dampen the stained area with warm water. Apply a small amount of liquid dish soap directly onto the stain and gently rub it in using a clean cloth or sponge. Allow the soap to sit on the fabric for a few minutes to break down the chapstick residue.

Afterward, rinse the garment thoroughly to remove the soap. If the stain persists, repeat the process or move on to another stain removal technique.

Benefits Of Natural Cleaning Products

When it comes to removing chapstick stains from clothes, using natural cleaning products has its advantages. Not only are they safe for both the environment and your health, but they also tend to be gentle on fabrics.

Natural cleaning products, such as vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice, can help break down and lift stubborn stains without causing any harm to the fabric. Additionally, these ingredients often have a pleasant scent, leaving your clothes smelling fresh and clean.


Frequently Asked Questions For How To Get Chapstick Out Of Clothes After Drying?

How Do You Get Chapstick Out Of Clothes That Have Been Dried?

To remove dried chapstick from clothes, try scrubbing the stain with liquid dish soap pretreatment before washing. If that doesn’t work, use a more powerful stain remover like oxygen-based bleach. Some chapstick stains may be impossible to remove.

What To Do If Chapstick Goes Through The Dryer?

If chapstick goes through the dryer, first try scrubbing the spots with hot water and laundry detergent. You can also use vinegar to remove waxy residue. If the stain persists, use a liquid dish soap or an oxygen-based bleach as a more powerful stain remover.

Not all stains can be removed.

What Is The Best Detergent To Remove Chapstick Stains?

To remove chapstick stains from clothes, use an enzyme-based stain remover or strong detergents like Persil or Tide. Apply directly to the stain and scrub with a soft-bristled brush. If the stain is dried, try liquid dish soap pretreatment or an oxygen-based bleach for more effective results.

Does Chapstick Wash Off?

Chapstick does not wash off easily from clothes, especially if they have been dried. You can try using liquid dish soap pretreatment or oxygen-based bleach to remove the stain. However, not all dried Chapstick stains can be removed.

How Can I Remove Dried Chapstick From Clothes?

To remove dried Chapstick from clothes, try using a liquid dish soap pretreatment before washing. For tougher stains, use an oxygen-based bleach as a stain remover.


To effectively remove Chapstick stains from dried clothes, it is important to pretreat the stain with a liquid dish soap before washing. However, in some cases, a stronger stain remover like oxygen-based bleach may be necessary. Remember that not all dried Chapstick stains can be completely removed.

Scrubbing the affected area with hot water and a small amount of laundry detergent, or using vinegar, can help remove waxy residues. Acting quickly and using the right products will increase the chances of successfully removing these stains.