How to Get Brighter Whites

By Alongabbeyroad @alongabbeyroad
This post was sponsored by the Maker of OxiClean™ through their partnership with POPSUGAR Select. While I was compensated to write a post about their White Revive™ Laundry Stain Remover, all opinions are my own.
How to Get Brighter WhitesLast Monday, my two-year-old was happily eating a hot dog for dinner. He rushed over to me in excitement to relay his grand achievement of finishing the entire thing (which is a pretty big deal when you’re that little). Before I had time to wipe his hands and face, his tiny arms wrapped around my legs, which just so happened to be clothed in white jeans, and squeezed his ketchup-smeared cheeks and hands on my knees.
How to Get Brighter Whites
I know what you’re thinking. Oh, the horror of having your denim ruined! Why on earth are you wearing white as a mother of small children?!
Well, guess what? I used to be one of those people who thought white clothing and motherhood did not mix. That is until I started using OxiClean™ White Revive™ Stain Remover.
You may have read about my love for their Versatile Stain Remover to get crazy stains out of my toddler boys’ clothes, and I am happy to report their OxiClean™ White Revive™ Stain Remover is a miracle worker on whites. Truly. Not only did it get the ketchup out of my white denim, it gets rid of all the cooking and baking stains I collect from being in the kitchen 70% of the day, AND it revives the sad-looking, dingy whites.

Here’s all you have to do to remove stains and get brighter whites:
1. Mix ½ to 1 scoop of OxiClean™ per gallon of the warmest water recommended by the garment care label.Mix until completely dissolved. Submerge stained or dingy whites in solution.Use ½ scoop for typical stains or 1 scoop for dingy whites and extra tough jobs.
2. Soak for 1-6 hours. More soak time may be required depending on severity of stain or dingy whites. For best results soak for 6 hours.
3. Wash as normal with detergent and OxiClean™.

See how easy that is? It doesn’t have that gross chemical smell of chlorine bleach, and it’s also safe on colors. (I like to use it on colored tees that have murky white stripes­--brightens right up!)
I honestly recommend this product. I’ve been using OxiClean™ products for years, and love each new item I test. Keeps clothes fresh and new-looking. Happy laundering!