How To Freeze Avocados

By Mimiavocado

Photo by Sue Burns

Too Many Ripe Avocados?

Sometimes the avocados are all ripe at the same time.  What do you do with all those yummy avocados?  Make a huge batch of guacamole and eat it all yourself?  (Not a bad idea)  One option is to mash and freeze the fruit.  My friend Sue Burns, whose blog is called “It’s Okay to Eat the Cupcake” has tips for you and graciously allowed me to share her photos!

Photo by Sue Burns

Mash and Freeze!

Here are Sue’s tips: “When a bunch of your California Avocados ripen at once…mash ‘em up (a potato masher works great) and mix in a little bit of lemon juice ~ then use a spatula to scoop every yummy bit into zip top freezer bags. Press out the air and freeze, and voila! #guacamole and #avocadotoast for days! Cool tip: stand the bag in a glass, folding the top down over the rim. You’ll have both hands free and no avocado will end up on the zip top.🥑😃🥑  #californiaavocadosdirect #easypeasylemonsqueezy”

Photo by Sue Burns

Be sure to visit Sue’s blog for lots of fun recipes, tips, and adventures!  It’s Okay to Eat the Cupcake

Need avocados from our family farm?