How to Find Time for Your Passion Whilst Traveling

By Jolene Ejmont @Wanderluststory

Everyone has hobbies, those little things that ignite our passions and help to define who we are as people.

Some are lucky enough to have a career that incorporates their hobby, giving them the ability to enjoy what they do whenever they do it.

Others have to find ways to embrace their passions, which is a tougher prospect when living a nomadic lifestyle.

Keeping Your Passions Alive Whilst Traveling

Over the last 10 years, I have travelled the world and have found maintaining a hobby is actually quite easy if you are willing to put in a bit of effort.

Even the most obscure hobbies are accessible wherever you are in the world.

And here's how:

Importance of Technology

Where would we all be without the internet? Maybe in a better place, but the truth is through my travels technology and the internet have helped me stay connected with my hobbies.

It is also worth noting that technology is an excellent companion of the remote traveller as it allows them to stay in touch with family and friends on the other side of the planet.

Before leaving for Vietnam in 2008, I was a player on the esports circuit. If you are unfamiliar with esports, it is a competitive video game playing.

Back in those days, esports was a growing concept but has today become a multi-billion-dollar industry where players compete for huge cash prizes and prestige.

I was never that good, so it's perhaps all well that I got out early and sailed off to explore the world. However, since then, I have kept track of the esports world and still like to use Betway esports to bet on upcoming tournaments.

The point here is that all this is possible through technology, which has allowed me to keep up-to-date on one of my favourite things.

Travel with a Smartphone

My smartphone allows me to connect with my esports friends wherever I am in the world. Aside from esports, electronic devices can help whatever your hobby may be.

If there is one thing you can guarantee its that there are people who share your passions on the internet, and probably millions of them.

Book Places with Wifi

Access to the internet is so important for numerous reasons, but over the years I have found it is one of the most valuable resources for maintaining my hobbies.

There are travellers who seek the purest experience and are turned off by technology. I have the utmost respect for them and admire their ability to stay off the grid, so to speak.

That said, technology has made my travels more comfortable and frankly easier, and you will see why it has kept me travelling later in this post.

Connect with the Local Culture

Wherever you are in the world, you are not alone. All it takes to feel included is to embrace the local culture and to get out there and meet people.

Making the most of the local culture is something any traveller should do, after all, it is a big reason why we travel in the first place.

It's a similar situation with hobbies, especially if you are travelling to popular destinations.

Whatever your hobby, it is extremely likely there are others in the city that share that hobby and have found a way to connect with their passion.

Great examples of this are the arts and sports. For example, being someone from the United Kingdom, I love soccer.

Wherever I have visited in the world, I have been able to find somewhere to watch soccer, play it, and just talk about it with locals.

Ok, I get it, soccer is the biggest sport in the world so having access to it shouldn't really be a problem. However, it is a similar story with any other sport.

I also like chess and wherever I spent any length of time in the world I have been able to find a chess club and meet with like minds.

In terms of the arts, if you have a passion for music, theatre, or arts and crafts, you can find live music venues and visit classes based on your hobbies, such as music lessons or painting class.

Technology also helps here as well as it can help you easily find where events and classes are happening in a location.

Working Remotely

Earlier in the post, I mentioned that technology not only helped me maintain my hobbies, but it also kept me travelling.

What I meant is tech has been the driving force behind the career I forged when visiting Asia and finally settling in South America. In fact, technology has helped me combine my greatest passion with a well-earning career.

Probably my biggest hobby throughout my life has been writing. So much so I studied creative and professional writing in university even without believing a career as a writer was ever going to happen.

When I started my travels, I decided to try my hand at freelance writing and have since carved a successful career from doing it.

The point here is that travelling gives you a little more freedom to choose what work you want to do. Luckily, there are several major resources online that freelancers can use to find jobs.

Whether you are a writer or not, services like Upwork have jobs covering dozens of categories across IT, retail, business, science, and design and creativity.

If you have a true passion that can be in any way monetized, think about using it to drive your earnings as you travel.


There is really no need to wave goodbye to your hobbies when you decide to fulfil your wanderlust ambitions.

Thanks to technology and the power of community in the places you visit, your passions are never too far away and are always accessible.

This article was written by Maria

Maria Taylor is a content marketing expert & she loves to write for online blogs.

Feel free to connect with her on Twitter | Linkedin.